初二英语第一学期第五单元试卷:Do you want to watch a game show?



第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分 (85分)

Ⅳ.单项选择 (10分)

16.Qingdao is one of ______ cities in China.

A.the most beautiful   B.most beautiful       C.more beautiful  D.very beautiful

17.When ______ did you finish your homework last night?

A.in the earth          B.on the earth          C.in earth       D.on earth

18.—Have you ever seen the film Harry Potter and the Half­Blood Prince (《哈利•波特与混血王子》?

—Yes,it is a new film ______ David Yeats.

A.with                B.on                 C.by           D.at

19.—How old is your ______ sister?

—She is 17 years old.She is three years ______ than me.

A.elder; older            B.old; older         C.older; elder    D.elder; elder

20.This isn't your book,______?

A.is this                B.is it               C.isn't this       D.isn't it

21.I ______ there will be a basketball match next weekend in our school.

A.hear of                B.hear about         C.hear        D.listen to

22.Don't make the children ______ so much homework every day.It makes them ______.

A.do; sadly              B.did; happy       C.to do; sad      D.do; tired

23.Lily is ______ beautiful than Mary.

A.a lot many             B.a lot much       C.a lot more       D.a lot of more

24.The film 2012 is wonderful.Let's go to see it,______?

A.do you                B.shall we         C.don't you       D.aren't you

25.He's never sung a song in public,______?

A.is he                 B.isn't he         C.has he          D.hasn't he

Ⅴ.完形填空 (10分)

Do you know Mozart?Probably.He is a famous musician.

Mozart was born on January 27,1756 and died in 1791.When he was very young,his father often __26__ him around many different countries to play music for a lot of people.But some people didn't believe that a little __27__ could write so beautiful music.They asked Mozart to stay in a room by himself __28__ a week.And someone __29__ the room all the time.In that __30__,he finished a new piece of music.__31__ that,people believed this little boy could write __32__ music.During his __33__ life,Mozart studied,taught,wrote and played music.Though he didn't have much money,his music made __34__ happy.And for __35__ 200 years his music has mad e others happy,too.

26.A.took     B.brought        C.carried

27.A.boy         B.girl              C.student

28.A.in           B.since             C.for

29.A.saw           B.watched         C.looked

30.A.day          B.year             C.week

31.A.Before        B.After           C.About

32.A.beautiful       B.sad            C.serious

33.A.long          B.short           C.lively

34.A.himself        B.he             C. herself

35.A.more          B.than            C.over



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