



1. 让我们尽可能多地讲英语。(try to do sth.)


2.为什么不把这些错误记在我们的笔记本上?(why not )


3.每天拼写并大声朗读新单词是个好主意。(it’s +n. +to do sth.)


4.不要忘记把正确答案写到错误答案的旁边.(forget to do )




6. 我建议你多征求你老师关于提高英语口语的建议.( advise sb. to do / ask for)


7 .现在听听英语歌曲怎样?  (How about )


七、阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。

If you are studying English, the Language Study Fair (游乐会)that is being held this month will certainly attract you. The fair is going on between the 28th and 30th of June at the National Education Centre. It is held to answer all your questions about self-study no matter how your English is.

The Language Study Fair gives a very good chance for you to see and to get all kinds of information to help you improve the way you study. Over 350 producers of educational materials (材料)will be at the fair. Come along to this, and you won’t waste your money in the future on materials that are out-of-date, or books that you just don’t need. We’ve got lots of different things for you to see and hear. There will be stands (展台)showing different kinds of self-study textbooks and talks by educational speakers on the best ways to study by yourself. We’re sure you’ll also enjoy watching people using the latest computer programs to make studying English alone so much easier. This is for you to make good decisions about what to buy. You can come to the fair from nine thirty to five. Tickets cost £5 each, or £3 if you’re a full-time student. All tickets can be booked by ringing the ticket hotline. The number is 9847711.

So, we hope to see you there!

1. Who will go to the Language Study Fair?


2. What will attract those who go to the Language Study Fair ?


3. What will you buy if you want to make studying English much easier?


4. What is the opening time of the fair ?


5. How can you get a ticket for the fair ?



每个同学都有自己喜欢的学科和学习方法。请以“My Ways of Learning”为题,为《English Learner》写一篇征文,介绍你的学习方法。










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