



根据材料内容,从方框中 选择恰当的句子填入文中空缺处,使短文意思通顺、内容完整。

TFK Kid Reporter Dahlia Suiter spoke with the writer of Writer to Writer: From Think to Ink.

You just said that you didn't think you'd become a w riter. Why?

I didn’t know what I would be. There were times when I wanted to be a scientist. I loved reading about biology.


I never thought about writing stories for adults (成年人). It was always for children because when I was a child, books were so important to me.


Revision (修改) is my favorite part. If I can add (增加) something surprising at the same time, I’m happy about that, too.


Writing is hard, and if you’re not having fun with it, why do it?“Save ( 保存) what you write”is very important because  you may need it. You may need that part you cut.


I hope the book will open up new places to go with writing.


Yes. Writing can be a good way to discover (发现) yourself. You learn about yourself when you write.Writing also slows your thinking down, and you can make discoveries and go places that you don't expect.

A. Do you think it’ s very important for kids to practice writing?

B. What do you hope kids will learn from Writer to Writer?

C. Why did you write“Have fun, and save what you write!”at the end of each part in Writer to Writer ?

D. What do you enjoy most ab out writing?

E. Why do you write children’s books?

第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题,共35分)




jump      here     for     so      head

good     thing     he     fast      forget

Mr. Smith had a few shops in the town. A few months ago, however, he got badly ill, and after he got out of hospital, he found tha t he often forgot (56)________.

Last Friday was the birthday of a very important friend. He told his secretary (秘书) to buy some expensive gifts (57)________ him to take to the birthday party that afternoon. Later, he went out for a long lunch, and (58)________ all about the party, until (59)________ secretary called to remind (提醒) him.

Then Mr. Smith asked his secretary to call his driver to come to pick him up at once. He made his driver drive as (60)__ ____ as he could, and when they arrived, he (61)________ out of the car. Suddenly (突然) he stopped and said to his driver, “Oh, dear! I have left my hat at home. It isn’t (62)________ to  go to the party without a hat. Go and call my secretary up. Tell her to bring it (63)________ at once!”

“But you’re wearing your hat, Mr. Smith,” said the driver.

Touching his (64)________, Mr. Smith found his driver was right, (65)________ he said, “Well, then go and call her up to tell her not to brin g my hat.”

56. ___________ 57. ___________ 58. ___________ 59. ___________ 60. ___________

61. ___________ 62. ___________ 63. ___________ 64. ___________ 65. ___________



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