


51.Many animals died for ___________(不同原因 ) .

52. We are resaerching ________ (怎样提高英语)

53. Why do they ___________ ( 想要设计 )a poster.

54. They can __________ ( 提供 ) food and water

55. We must _______ (保护)the animals .

56. 今早从9点到11点我都在学习英语。I ________  English from 9 to 11 this morning.

57. 黄河是中国第二长河。The Yellow River is______________ river in China.

58下周我妈妈要去看望我奶奶, 我也要去。

My mother is going to visit my grandma next week and I’m going_____________.


Riding a bike is___________________ way to go to school.


Delia walked out of the room and __________ everyone.


61.I can walk a long way without _______ (drink).

62. I enjoyed the talk about _______ (animal) in danger yesterday.

63. It was interesting _______ (l earn) English.

64. We need _______ (take) care of  animals in danger.

65.Many people decide _______ (not think) about it.

66. Many animals have no place _______ (live).

67. Are you _______ (surprise) to find out that whales are in danger?

68. Turtles walk slowly but they’re good at _______ (swim).

69.Mr Wang is one of the most harding-working _______ (worker) in the world.

70. Our country is _______ (become) stronger and stronger.



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