


Ⅳ. 阅读理解(10分)

Our family went to the Yellow Stone National Park last summer vacation. Our son, Tom, wanted to see bears there. And what an experience(经历)it was!

When we got there, we put up our tent and went to explore(探险). As we returned, we heard our daughter Susie cry out. And then we saw a bear go into our camp.

Tom wanted his father to chase(追赶)him away. His father said, “No. It’s dangerous to chase a bear. And don’t let him chase you. ”Susie said, “What shall we do? Maybe we should climb a tree. ”Tom said, “No. We have to get him out of there. He might go to sleep in our tent. ”“Maybe we could make him leave if we put some honey outside for him to eat. ”Susie suggested. Then I said, “How are you going to get the honey? It’s in the tent. ”We watched the bear go into the tent and heard him upset(翻倒; 弄翻)everything inside. “It’s foolish for us to try to chase him away. ”said my husband, “Leave him alone and wait for him to come out. ”We waited, but the bear stayed inside. We had to sleep in the car that night.

1. Tom wanted to go to Yellow Stone National Park to see   .

A. tigers    B. wolves   C. bears   D. birds


2. Where did the family go on vacation last summer?

A. They went to the Central Park.

B. They went to Yellow Stone National Park.

C. They went to a zoo.

D. They just stayed at home.


3. Who do you think saw the bear first?

A. Susie.   B. Tom.

C. The writer.       D. The writer’s husband.

【解析】选A。推理判断题。由第二段第二、三句可推知: 苏茜首先看到了熊。

4. What did they do when they saw a bear go into their tent?

A. They chased the bear away.

B. They stayed outside the tent and did nothing.

C. They climbed up a tree.

D. They put some honey outside for the bear to eat.



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