


V. 句型转换(10分)

1. Claire likes vegetables very much, so she always eats all kinds of them. (对划线部分进行提问)

______  ______  does Claire eat vegetables?

2. John went to Guizhou on vacation this summer.(对划线部分进行提问)

______  ______  John do on vacation this summer?

3. How’s the weather there?(改为同义句)

_______ the weather ______ there?

4. Anna often helps with housework on weekends.(改为一般疑问句)

______ Anna often ______ with housework on weekends?

5. There is something wrong with my bicycle.(改为否定句)

There  is ______  ______ wrong with my bicycle.

VI. 根据汉语意思完成句子。(10分)

1. 今天上午我们做了一些特别的事情。

This morning we did  ______  ______.

2. 我们班有四十多名学生。

There are______  ______forty students in our class.

3. 我喜欢葡萄和西瓜之类的水果。

I like fruits ______ ______ watermelon and grape.

4. 我的叔叔经常去农村野营。

My uncle often ______  ______ in the country.

5. 我弟弟特别懒以至于他从来不锻炼。

My brother is so lazy that he doesn’t exercise ______ ______.

VII. 短文填空(10分)


Mary was a schoolgirl and she was often ill. A_ 1__ five months ago, she was badly ill. She was away from school for a month. She had to stay at home all day. She wanted to be h_ 2__ very much. B__3__ she didn’t know what she should do. She went to see Dr Brown and Brown told her h__4__ to keep healthy. “ First you must do something good such as t__5__ a walk afte r super, doing morning exercises and eating a lot of fruit and vegetables. All of them are g__6__ for your health.”

“ Remember not to do a__7__ bad for your health such as watching TV too much, reading in bed, eating too much and going to bed too l__8__. These bad habits will bring you health p__9__.” After that she changed a l__10__ and now she is very healthy.

1. _______  2. _______  3._______  4. _______   5. _______

6. _______  7. _______  8._______  9. _______   10. _______

VIII. 书面表达(5分)

下面的词语是Kate 本周末的活动,请帮他写一个合情合理    的计划。词数在70左右,句子不得少于十句话。

可参考以下提示词: go online,  play sports,  sleep,  read books,  go to the movies,  study for tests,  watch TV,  eat out with family,  go hiking......







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