


三、完形填空  先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案写在答题卷上。

Can you cut an apple with a playing card(扑克牌)?Can you write with one hand and draw with  36   ? Well, some people can, and they all show their  37  talents(才能)on the TV programme, China's Got Talent.

The TV programme is getting more and more   38   in China. Many people watch it every week   39   they want to know how talented one can be.

Talent shows   40   in Britain. And now there are similar shows in many countries    41  the world. China's Got Talent is the newest, but it   42   others. When people show their special talents, they also   43   their most touching(感人的)or funniest stories. Most of them don't want to be famous. They   44   want to make their family laugh and want to make others laugh, too.

We all have a   45  .It may be big or small. What's your talent? Maybe you can be the next star on China's Got Talent!

36.A. other     B. others     C. the other     D. the others

37.A. strong     B. poor     C. special      D. slow

38.A. boring     B. necessary  C. important     D. popular

39.A. or      B. because   C. but      D. so

40.A. began     B. ended     C. won      D. reached

41.A. with     B. to      C. for      D. around

42.A. is afraid of    B. is different from

C. is up to        D. is good for

43.A. enjoy     B. speak     C. share      D. write

44.A. still      B. never     C. maybe      D. just

45.A. talent     B. family     C. dream      D. story



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