


第二部分 (非选择题,共45分)


Yesterday morning when I opened my eyes, it was half past six already. I got up quickly and ran to the bus stop without having breakfast. As soon as I got on the bus, it started raining. “I am sure I can get to the school on time,” I thought. Suddenly, the bus stopped. There was something wrong with the bus. The driver asked us to wait for another one.

“I can’t wait. The school is not far. I can run to school,” I thought. Then I began to run, but it began to rain hard.

I reached the classroom, but I was all wet. The Math teacher, Mr. Li, was in the classroom. We were afraid of him and I didn’t like his Math lessons. I said, “I’m sorry, Mr. Li. I’m late.”

“It’s you again, Wang Bin. I told you not to be late, but you…” He suddenly stopped and looked at my wet clothes. Then he took off his jacket and gave it to me.

“Now, take off your wet coat and put this one on,” he said kindly.

I went to my seat, wearing Mr. Li’s jacket. It was too big but I felt very warm in it. I found, for the first time, that Math was very interesting, so I learned a lot that day.

51. When did Wang Bin get up yesterday morning?


52. If there wasn’t anything wrong with the bus, could Wang Bin get to school on time?


53. Why didn’t Wang Bin like Math lessons?


54. What kind of teacher do you think of Mr. Li is?


55. Why did Wang Bin find Math interesting at last?




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