


第二部分 笔试部分(80分)


1. We are sure one day the air in Beijing will be much ______ than today.

A. clean    B. cleaner      C. cleanest      D. the cleanest

2. Nanjing is one of _______ in China.

A.beautiful city               B.more beautiful city

C.the most beautiful city       D.the most beautiful cities

3 --Whose Iphone5 is this   --It’s not _______. I think It’s _________.

A.mine; her     B.mine; hers  C.my; her    D.my; hers

4. _______ can I keep the books?--- Two weeks.

A.How long  B.How often   C.How far     D.How soon

5. I don’t think it is _____ good idea to go to school without ______ breakfast.

A.a; the      B.a; /      C./; /             D.the; a

6 ---- ______do you have sports meetings in your school ----Once a year.

A.How often    B.How many   C.How soon  D.How much

7 _____ she is only 4 years old, ______ she can plays the piano.

A.Although, but   B.Although, / C.But ,  /   D.and , /

8 The boy is ____ of the two .

A . thinner        B. the thinner  C. more thin    D.thinnest

9. He arrived home late _____the heavy rain.

A.since           B.because   C.because of   D. as

10. There are more than _____teachers in our school.

A.three hundreds of     B.three hundred

C.three hundred of      D. three hundreds

11. You can improve your listening skills _____ watching English movies.

A.by            B.with       C.of          D.in

12. It’s very kind of you to____  so much time showing me around your school.

A.take          B.spend      C.cost        D.have

13. The weather in Beijing is ________.

A .cold and cold              B. more and more cold

C. colder and colder          D. more cold and cold

14. _____ too much TV isn’t good _____ our eyes.

A. Watch; to   B .Watching; for   C .Watch; for   D .Watching; to

15. We arrived _____ Shanghai______ the morning of July 2nd.

A. at, in      B. at, on      C. in, in      D. in, on

II. 完形填空。(10分)

No sports, no life Sports are very important to us. Sports help us to keep in good _16__ and get good grades.

Everyone in our class _17__sports. Our favourite__18_ is PE. We only have P.E _19__a week, but we play sports every day. The most popular sport in our class is basketball. The boys enjoy__20_ it, and many of the __21__like it, too. Football is also popular. When the weather is __22__, we often play football outside. We __23__play volleyball .We think it is boring.

There is a basketball team in our class. Our team often has matches with other teams. When there is a match, many of us go to ___24__it. It’s very ___25__.

(  )16.A.health     B.idea        C.fashion      D.culture

(  )17.A.meets      B.loves       C.visits       D.dislikea

(  )18.A.food       B.drink       C.subject      D.fruit

(  )19.A.two        B.third       C.three        D.twice

(  )20.A.play       B.playing     C.played       D.plays

(  )21.A.students   B.brothers    C.girls        D.sisters

(  )22.A.rainy      B.bad         C.fine         D.terrible

(  )23.A.never      B.always      C.often        D.usually

(  )24.A.watch      B.read        C. look        D,look at

(  )25.A.clever    B.beautiful   C.sky          D,exciting



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