



下面是Mr Black下星期末来中国旅行的日程表,请根据此日程表写一篇Mr Black中国之行的介绍。要求语言准确、得当,条理清晰。

Monday 10.30 fly to Beijing

Tuesday-Wednesday visit the Great Wall and go to Wangfujing to do some shopping

Thursday 08.40 fly to Hainan Island

Friday-Saturday morning visit "Tianya Haijiao" and go scuba(水中呼吸器)diving in Sanya

Saturday 16.50 fly to Beijing

Sunday  15.20 fly back home


2. 词数:80左右。

Mr Black will go to Beijing ___________________________________________


Ⅰ. A) 1. compare  2. willing 3. jokes  4. solve  5. writers  6. subjects

7.sadly  8. interest  9. preparing  10. beauty

B) 11. luckily   12. himself   13. easier; easiest 14. smaller  15. are going to/will visit

Ⅱ.  1-5 DBBCC  6-10 ABCCB  11-15. CBCBA

Ⅲ.1. because of  2. different from 3. do you like best  4. with many 5. in front of

Ⅳ. 1. sunset; take   2. keep the secret   3. tells; funny

4. British; driving; as well   5. but; more

Ⅴ. 1.Could/ May /Can I speak to Jim, please 2. I've no idea

3.How can/ shall we get/ go there 4.When shall we meet 5.Where shall we meet (then)

Ⅵ. 1-5 BACBA  6-10 CDBBA

Ⅶ.  A) 1-5 DBCAC

B) 6. China  7. 12   8. father  9.mother  10.little brother  11. playing basketball

12. Harry Potter   13. apple  14. green  15. 84026412

C) 16-20 ACDBC

Ⅷ.One possible version

Mr Black will go to Beijing by plane at ten thirty on Monday morning. Then he will visit the Great Wall and go to Wangfujing to do some shopping from Tuesday to Wednesday. He is going to fly to Hainan Island at eight forty on Thursday morning. He will go to visit "Tianya Haijiao" and go scuba diving in Sanya from Friday to Saturday morning. At 4.50 on Saturday afternoon, he will fly back to Beijing. Then he will fly back home at about 3.20 on Sunday afternoon.







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