




(  )21.We have lived here _______ five years ago.

A.when B.since C.before D.after

(  )22.We can see _____sun in the day, and we can see _______many stars at night.

A .the, the      B .a, a       C .the, /        D./, the

(  )23.We often plant _______trees every year.

A. thousand    B. thousand of   C. thousands of    D. thousands

(  )24.---Excuse me .Can you give me ________about learning English ?

---Certainly .I’m glad to help you.

A. a advice      B. an advice    C. any advice   D. some advice

(  )25.---Would you like to go fishing with me tomorrow ?

---Sorry, I don’t like fishing. How about _________?

A. go swimming   B .go swim    C. going swimming   D.go to swim

(  )26.---____you ever read English newspapers ?

---No, I_______.

A. Do, do     B. Do, have      C. Have, have        D. Have, haven’t

(  )27.We read the year 2006______

A. twenty six   B. two thousand six   C. two zero zero six   D. two thousand and six

(  )28.---Rock is _________than classical music .

---But I prefer classical music.

A even popular   B much popular   C  more popular  D. popularer

(  )29.---The newspaper isn’t interesting , ________?

---No, it isn’t. There is  nothing strange in it .

A. is it B. isn’t it  C. does it  D. doesn’t it

(  )30.---_____have you lived in that old house ?

---For about twenty years.

A How soon    B. How far     C How often      D. How long

(  )31.---There are about 2000 students in No.4 Middle School, _______?

---Yes, there are.

A. are there    B. aren’t there    C are they     D aren’t they

(  )32.---What did your parents do last month ?

---They went to America _____business.

A. with      B .for      C. in     D. on

(  )33.---Look ! The teacher is coming.

---Let’s______and listen to her.

A. stop talk   B. stop to talk   C. stop talking     D. to stop talking

(  )34.---Where is Jim ?

---He ________Shanghai . He’ll be back next week.

A. has been to    B. has gone to     C. went to    D. goes to

(  )35.________ read something difficult.

A. Why not to       B. Why don’t     C. Why not        D. Why not you


Someone says, “ Time is money.” But I think time is much 36  important than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can get it back. But, when time is gone, it will never  37   That is   38   we mustn’t waste(浪费) time.

It goes without saying that   39  is usually limited (有限的).  40   a second(秒) is very important. We should make full use of our time to do  41 .

But it is a pity(可惜) that there 42   a lot of people who do not know the 43  of time. They spent their limited time smoking, drinking and  44  . They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own    45 .

In a word, we should save time. We shouldn’t  46  today’s work for tomorrow.

Remember we have no time to 47.

(  )36 A. many         B. less         C. most    D. more

(  )37. A. return         B. carry        C. get       D. bring

(  )38. A. what         B. because        C. why     D. so

(  )39. A. money        B. time         C. day      D. food

(  )40. A. Every        B. Even         C. In        D. Since

(  )41. A. nothing useful B. useful anything  C. something useful  D. useful everything

(  )42. A.have      B.are         C.has        D. is

(  )43. A.difficult      B.importance        C.age        D. need

(  )44. A. reading       B. writing        C. playing      D. working

(  )45. A. time         B. lives          C. food         D. money

(  )46. A. stop         B. give          C. let           D. leave

(  )47. A. lose        B. save          C. spend        D. take



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