


四.词形转换(每空 1 分,共 10 分)

61. This tree is tall, but that tree is much ________ (tall).

62. What did the langua ge Doctor advise you________ (do)?

63. Cambridge is famous for old ________ (church).

64. Let’s practise ________ (play) the piano.

65. Bob draws as ________ (good) as Tom.

66. ________ (listen) to the radio is important for you to learnEnglish.

67. There are four________ (million) people in this country.

68. We all think we have a chance of________ (win)?

69. As a student, it’s important ________ (not be) late for school.

70. What is the best way ________ (travel) in England?

五.句型转换(每空 1 分,共 10 分)

71. The mountains are about 1000 metres high. (划线部分提问)

________ ________ are the mountains?

72.She is tall. She has long dark hair.(合并为一个句子)

She is a tall girl________ long dark hair.

73. What’s wrong with him?(改为同义句)

What’s ________ ________with you?

74.You must try to speak English as much as you can . 改为同义句)

You must try to speak English as much as ___ ________.

75. The meeting will begin          ________hour. (会议将于一小时后开始)

76. He goes to school by the underground. (划线部分提问)

________ does he ________ to school?

六.词汇运用 (共 5 分)

77.My mother likes fruit , ________ (尤其) apples.

78.The ________ (北方)of the country is cold than the south .

79.These  ________(字典)are Tom’s . Give them to him.

80. My brother likes ball games, such as basketball and v________.(根据首字母填单词)

81. Why not listen to the music? It’s r________ beautiful.

七.书面表达 (15 分)


1. 想去哪?为什么?    2. 想在那儿待几天?    3. 怎么去?为什么?

4. 打算什么时候开始旅行?独自一人还是与别人同去?    5. 在这次旅行期间,打算做些什么?  要求:意思连贯、通顺,词数在 60~80 之间。



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