


Ⅱ. 单项选择(15分)

1. —Please remember the words in this lesson.

—Yes, and I will ______ in my notebook.

A. write it down       B. write them down

C. write down them      D. write down it

2. If you are in trouble, you can ______ help from the policeman. 【 】

A. look over      B. ask for

C. warm up      D. think about

3. —Have you read today’s newspaper?

—Yes. It’s really boring. There is ______ in it.

A. something new     B. nothing new

C. new anything     D. new nothing

4. There are over ______ people in their country.

A. millions      B. nine millions

C. nine millions of    D. nine million

5. Mr. Green speaks very loudly ______ all the people can hear him clearly.

A. so that       B. when

C. because       D. in order to

6. —I think drinking milk every morning is good ______ our health.

—Yes. I agree ______ you.

A. at; to       B. with; on

C. at; with       D. for; with

7. —What do you think of the film, Betty?

—The ______ film made me feel very ______ .

A. excited; excited    B. exciting; excited

C. exciting; exciting    D. excited; exciting

8. He speaks English well, but of course not ______ a person born in England.

A. so clearly as     B. as clear as

C. more clearly     D. clearer than

9. It was sunny. He suggested ______ out for a walk.

A. going       B. to go

C. goes       D. go

10. Parents often ask their kids ______ their Internet friends because the kids may be in danger.

A. meet       B. to meet

C. not to meet      D. not to meeting

11. Lin Shuhao is now one of ______ basketball players in the NBA.

A. popular       B. more popular

C. most popular     D. the most popular

12. You can read this magazine in the reading room, ______ you can’t take it out of here.

A. however      B. but

C. so        D. or

13. —Will Tom come for our picnic?

— ______ . You’d better ask him in person(亲自).

A. I’m not sure about that   B. Never mind

C. Don’t worry     D. That’s the main thing

14. —How will you go there?

— ______ .

A. Take underground    B. Take the underground

C. By an underground    D. By the underground

15. ______ a writer, he is famous ______ his short novels.

A. For; as       B. As; as

C. As; for       D. For; for



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