人教版八年级上册英语Unit 4测试卷(新目标附答案)




The old name for films was “moving pictures”. In America they still call them “movies” and they say “Shall we go to the movies?” when we say “Shall we go to the cinema?”

A boy once said to his friend, “Do you like moving pictures?” His friend thought that he was going to invite him to go to the cinema, so he said, “Yes, please. I like moving pictures very much.”

“Good,” said the boy, “my father has a picture shop. He sells pictures. This evening I must move pictures from one room to another. You like moving pictures, so I think you will enjoy moving pictures for me.”


(    )36. In old times people called films “moving pictures”.

(    )37. When they ask their friends to go to see a film with them, the American people will say, “Shall we go to the cinema?”

(    )38. Once a boy asked his friend to move some heavy boxes of pictures from one room to another for him.

(    )39. His friend liked pictures very much.

(    )40. His friend didn’t understand him when he asked, “Do you like moving pictures?”


41. Let’s go to Danny’s. The food there is         (cheap) than any other place in town.

42. The radio station  Oldies 102.1FM is pretty bad. It’s          (bad) than All Talk 970AM.

43. He is        (quiet) boy in my  class. He almost never talks.

44. My dog is        (friendly ) than yours.

45. The        (love) girl is planning to go shopping.

46. Linda is the     (win)of the English speech contest.

47. I think Li Yundi is a     (talent)piano player.

48. Lots of     (perform)from different places around China took part in the talent show.

49. There are all     (kind)of vegetables and fruit in the shop.

50. I can hear birds singing     (beautiful)while walking through the park.



要求:1.可适当发挥;  2. 80词左右。

Restaurant Price Quality Service

7 Onion Restaurant ★ ★ ★★

House of Big Dumplings ★★ ★★ ★

House of Long Noodles ★★★ ★★★ ★★★




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