


威廉希尔app 初中频道提供大量初中生学习资料,在第一时间更新威廉希尔app 。以下是八年级英语词汇填空题:


58. Thirty m______is half an hour.

59. Can you wait for me at the bus s______ ?

60. He gets up e______, so he is never late for school.

61. It usually t______ Sally twenty minutes to ride her bike to school.

62. How f______is it from his home to school? About 5 minutes‘ bus ride.

63. My home is next to school. So I w______ to school.

64. Children d______ on(依靠) their parents for food and clothing.

65. I think bikes and buses are the most means of t______ in China.

66. Beijing is in n______ of China, and Guangzhou is in s______ China.= Beijing is in n______ China,and Guangzhou is in s______ China.

67. Jim isn't at school today because he is i______in hospital.

68. Travelling by ship is a lot m______ fun than taking a bus.

69. In South Korea,most students get to school b_____subway.

70. Lily r_____her bike to school.= Lily gets to school o_____her bike.=Lily gets to school b_____bike.

71. I have two cats. One is white, the o______ is black.

72. The museum is very f______ from here, but you can take the subway to get there.

73. We should plant a lot of trees to make our city beautiful. The m______ trees,the better.

74. It takes me t______ m______ time to clean my room,I am m______ t______ tired.

75. Don't w______ about me. I can look after myself.

76. Hurry up, there is only a little time l______ .

77. How long does it take? Oh,it d______ on where you are and the means of transportation.

78. He has a q______ breakfast,and runs to school q______ .

79. They lived there f______about 50 years.

80. I s______ two hours doing my homework yesterday. But today it only t______ me half an hour to finish all the homework.

81. I don't like this shirt, so I want to see a______ .

82. English is different f______ Chinese.

83. There a______a large number of books in the library, and the number of books i_____about 10000.

84. Ann’s home is far f_____her school,it‘s about 10 kilometers a______ from school.

85. Must I finish my homework first?No,you n______. May I open the door?No,you m______.


58. minutes 59. station/stop60. early 61. takes 62. far63. walk

64. depend 65. transportation 66. north,south,northern,southern

67. ill 68. more 69. by 70 rides,on,by 71. other 72. far 73. more

74. too much,much too 75. worry 76. left 77. depends 78. quick,quickly

79. for 80. spent,took 81. another 82. from 83. are,is 84. from,away

85. needn’t,mustn‘t




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