


威廉希尔app 初中频道提供大量初中生学习资料,在第一时间更新威廉希尔app 。以下是八年级英语词汇填空题:


86. We are very busy today. We have to s______ for the math test.

87. There is going to b a guitar c______ in our school next week.

88. Thanks for inviting me, but today I can‘t go with you. Maybe we can go to the movies a______ time.

89. O______ the evening of May 1,they went to Tom‘s party.

90. She is ill, so she has to s______ in bed.

91. Thanks for a______me to your party.

92. Are the boys l______ to the radio?

93. A: My mother is ill in hospital. B: Oh, I‘m sorry to h______ that.

94. I would love t make friends with him.

95. He is t______ her guitar lessons next week.

96. What about p______soccer with us?

97. Xiao Ming is watching a football m______ .

98. Can you tell me the w______ story? I know nothing about it.

99. He can‘t eat anything u______ he s______the doctor.

100. Can you come o______ to my house this weekend?

101. We often have c______ lessons in the laboratory(实验室)。

102. If you want to play tennis well, you need more t______ .

103. Thank you for your i______ to visit next week.

104. Would you like something to drink? No, t______ .

105. All of us must practice s______ English after class.

106. She is l______ for Hong Kong the day after tomorrow.

107. She has to help her mother with the c______ (烧饭)。

108. Do you want a______ cake? Yes, please. I usually eat a lot when I am hungry.


86. study 87.be,concert 88.another 89.On 90.stay

91. asking 92.listening 93. hear 94. to 95.taking

96. playing 97. match 98. whole 99. until,sees

100. over 101. chemistry 102. training 103. invitation

104. thanks 105. speaking 106. leaving 107. cooking

108. Both, both




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