


A. criticize B.to be criticized

C to criticize D. criticizing

14.If you see any litter on the school playground ,you’d better ______

A. pick up it B. pick it up

C. go away D. not touch them

15. --Could you please ______?

--Oh , sorry I will .

A .wait in line B. cut in line

C wait in a line D. cut in the line


五、阅读理解(每小题1分,共20分) 仔细阅读下面的文章,然后选择正确答案


Mr Stilwell looked out of his window. There was a boy at the other side of the street. The boy took some bread out of a bag and began eating it.

There was a very thin dog in the street too. The boy said to it very kindly.“Come here, good dog. Do you want a piece of bread?”

The dog was very hungry and went to the boy, but he didn’ t give it any of his bread. Instead, he kicked(踢) the dog. It ran away and the boy laughed.

Then Mr Stilwell came out of his house and said to the boy,“Do you want a shilling(先令)?”

The boy was happy and said,“Yes, I do.”

“Come here,”Mr Stilwell said. The boy went to Mr Stilwell, but Mr Stilwell didn’ t give him a shilling. Instead, he hit him with a stick.

The boy cried and said,“Why did you hit me? I didn’ t ask you for any money.”

“No,”Mr Stilwell said,“and the dog didn’ t ask you for any bread, but you kicked it.”

16. Mr Stilwell stood ______ and looked out.

A. before the window B. in the street

C. on his house D. at the table

17. The thin dog was ______.

A. Mr Stilwell’ s

B. the boy’ s

C. Mr Stilwell’s neighbour’ s

D. a wild one

18 .The boy was Mr Stilwell’ s son, wasn’ t he?

A. Yes, he was. B. No, he wasn’ t.

C. Yes, he wasn’ t. D. No, he was.

19 The boy______.

A. kicked the dog, then gave bread to it

B. gave the dog bread, then kicked it away

C. kicked the dog, then laughed at it

D. was kind to the dog to give it bread

20 .From this story, we can see that______.

A. the boy was bad

B. Mr Stilwell was bad

C. the people in West countries liked the dogs

D. the people in West countries didn’ t like the dogs


John sent for (派人去请) a doctor because his wife was ill .He called the doctor and made sure they would meet at five .He arrived at the doctor’s He arrived at the doctor’s at twenty to five. He thought , “It’s a little bit earlier. I’ll wait for a moment .It’s good to keep time.

Then he stopped his car in front of the doctor’s He looked around and saw a noisy square(广场)not far from here .He went there and sat down on a chair to enjoy the last night of the afternoon sun and make himself quiet. He saw some children playing and some women talking to each other happily .

Suddenly he heard a girl crying .He came up to her and asked some questions. Then he knew she got lost .John tried to find out her address and took her home .The girl’s parents were very thankful.

Then John hurried to the doctor’s .The doctor said angrily when he saw him , you ‘re late .Why did you keep me waiting for twenty minutes ? John said nothing but one word “sorry!”

1. John drove to the doctor’s ________.

A .late B. on time

C. in time Din no time

2. John went to the square to _______.

A.spend the time

B. enjoy himself

C. see the children and the women

D. help the girl

3. The girl cried because _________

A. someone hit her

B. she fall off her bike

C. her parents were angry with her

D. she didn’t find the way home

4. At last John got to the doctor’s at ________

A. twenty to five B. twenty past five

C. five o’clock D. forty past five

5. From the story ,we know John is a _______

A. busy student B. quiet person

C. helpful person D. lucky person


Joe Brown had a shop where he 1 meat. One day a woman 2 into the shop at five to one. “I’ m sorry. I’ m late,”she said.“I 3 some more meat for my dinner tonight.”Joe had only one 4 of meat in his shop. He took it 5 the (冰箱)fridge and said,“This is $6.50.”

“That piece is too 6 ,”the woman said.“Haven’ t you got anything bigger?”Joe 7 into the room behind his shop, put the meat into the fridge, took it out again and closed the door 8 a lot of noise. Then he brought the piece of meat to the woman and said,“This piece of meat is bigger and 9 expensive. It’ s $8.75.”

“Good,”the woman said with a smile.

“Give me 10 of them, please.”

26.A.sell B. buy C. bought D. sold

27.A.came B. stood C. went D. put

28.A.wanted B. need C. wants D. needs

29.A.bowl B. is C. piece D. pound

30.A.in B. out of C .into D. out

31.A.big B .bigger C. small D. smaller

32.A.went B. goes C. go D. runs

33.A.in B. of C. with D. by

34.A.most B. much C. many D. more

35.A.all B. every C. both D. each


假如你叫王雷, 你的朋友王明将要去他的美国朋友家里做客,但他不知道需要注意一些什么,因此他写信向你寻求帮助。请根据以下提示给网名写一封回信,给他提示些建议。





答案:Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?


.1 washing 2 mall 3 please 4 finish 5 kitchen

6 bringing 7new 8 bought 9 wrong 10 ordered


1 ran out of 2 closing 3 turn down 4 coins

5 listening to 6 more 7 Sorry 8 not standing very close to me

9 close 10 ordered


1 turning down the music

2come here, give, surprise

3 planting vegetabies, came see

4.get annoyed

4would win the match

5 not talking to me


1-5ABDCB 6-10CBDBB 11-15 DDBBA

五、(A) (每题2分,共20分)1-5 DABC B 6-10 CACDC

(B) (每题1分,共10分)1-5 ADBCA 6---10 CBDBC


Dear Wang Ming,

I’m glad to receive your letter .I’m happy that you’re going to visit your American friend .When you go to an American home ,you should buy a small gift ,such an some flowers or some fruits .Could you get there on time ?If you are late ,the owners won’t be happy. hen you eat ,you should say some good words to the dishes .You shouldn’t stay too long .Would you mind my talking about these things?


Wang Lei



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