


B. because she realized that the boy was poor and angry

C. because she saw everyone staring at her

D. because she hated being shouted at

5. From the story we can see the woman ____.

A. was crazy  B. was being careless  C. was careless and selfish

D. often made mistakes


Live Music-Late Night Jazz(爵士乐)

Enjoy real American jazz from Herbie Davis,the famous trumpet player(号手). He is known to play well into the early hours,so don't want to get much sleep.

PLACE:The Jazz Club          DATES:15-23 June 28,2002

PRICE(价格):¥100~150        TIME:10p.m.till late!


Scottish Dancing

Scottish dancing is nice and easy to learn. The wonderful dance from England will be give.

PLACE:Jack Stein’s          DATES:10-20 May

PRICE:¥150              TIME:7-10 p.m.


Shows-Anhui Museum

There are 12,000 pieces on show here. You can see the whole of Chinese history.

PLACE:Anhui Museum         DATES:1Mar-30 Jun

PRICE:¥60(¥30 for students)    TIME:Monday-Friday

TEL:4886888                 Weekends 9 a.m.-9 p.m.

Your pen-friend is coming from Australia to your city for a holiday. You send him this E-mail(电子邮件) to tell him something about the hotels(旅馆).


Dates      Prices (a night)

1 Oct–31 Dec       ¥168

1 Jan-31 Mar        ¥148

1 Apr-30 Apr (closed)   ……

1 May-31 May        ¥188

1 Jun-30 Sep        ¥208 ROSE HOTEL

Prices (a night)






TEL:4686788            E-mail:Li Hong @ 163.com.

1. If you want to watch dancing,you can call _______.

A. 4668736    B. 4021877      C. 4886888      D. 46k86788

2. You can see the whole of Chinese history at _______ in April in Anhui Museum.

A. 3 p.m. every day    B. 9 p.m. from Monday to Friday

C. 7 a.m. at weekends   D. 7 p.m. every day

3. You can enjoy _______ at Jack Stein's.

A. American jazz B. Scottish dancing C. 12,000 pieces on show D. yourself all night

4. Sun Hotel and Rose Hotel are open for _____ months of the year.

A. nine     B. ten    C. eleven     D. twelve

5. You have ¥148,and you can ________ in May.

A. listen to Jazz    B. watch Scottish dancing

C. go to Anhui Museum     D. stay in Sun Hotel for a night

五. 根据汉语将句子填写完整。

1. 上个月我太忙了,没看电视。

I was _____ busy _____ watch TV last month.

2. 学好数学对他们来说很有用。

_____ useful _____ them _____ learn English well.

3. 刚才我看见那个女孩在树下跳舞。

I _____ the girl _____ under the tree just now.

4. 他的爸爸每天上午去公园散步。

His father _____ _____ _____ in the park every morning.

5. 莉莉没有准时到家,她妈妈正在为她担心。

Lily didn't get home _____ _____. Her mother was _____ _____ her.

六. 短文改错

Mr Robert Smith is worker.            1、_________

He comes from American.             2、_________

He is born in 1965 in Washington.         3、_________

When he was a children,he heard          4、_________

a lot about China,the friend Chinese       5、_________

people and delicious Chinese food.         6、_________

He wanted very much live and work in china.   7、_________

1990. Now he lives at 14 Xidan Street and     8、_________

works Beijing TV Factory.             9、_________

七. 书面表达


1. Mary,beautiful,girl

2. always,think,a little,fat

3. eat,so…that…,little,fall ill

4. her mother,tell,eat too little,be bad for,health


一. 单项选择

1. B   2. D   3. B    4. D   5. A  6. D  7. C  8. D   9. D   10. B

11. C  12. B   13. C   14. C  15. A   16. B  17. C  18. A 19. B 20. B

21. A  22. C    23. B    24. A   25. A

二. 用所给动词的适当形式填空

1. wasn't doing        (表示过去的某一时间正在作的动作,用过去进行时。)

2. is singing          (listen,表示现在的指示动作,应该和现在进行时连用。)

3. was cooking;was washing  (用while连接的两个句子,通常动作同时进行,常常前后都用进行时。)

4. was working

5. taught            (注意他的时间状语是 last term. 典型的一般过去时。)

6. heard

7. call            (由and引导的并列祈使句,动词要用原形。)

8. died       (在这个句子中pilot 意思是飞行员。die for的意思是为……而死。)

9. will be

三. 完形填空

A. 1. D. 从上下文的意思可以看出,科学家认为人和动物不一样是因为人可以思考和学习。故答案是D。

2. C. 此处应该选择副词,又因为有than man,所以选择C。

3. B. 从下句判断出,此句应是肯定的意思,另外words是可数名词,故选B。

4. C. 从上下文的意思看,应是“不能像我们一样思考”,故C对。

5. C

6. D

7. B. every强调的是全体,此句话说的是普遍规律。

8. D     9. A     10. C

B. 1. B   2. C   3. A   4. C  5. D  6. A  7. C  8. A  9. B   10. C

四. 阅读理解

A. 1. A   2. D   3. A   4. B   5. C

B. 1. B   2. D   3. D   4. A   5. B

C. 1. B  从第二则短新闻中可知要看舞蹈上拨电话4021877。

2. A  第三则短新闻可知星期一~星期五全天,而周末是9:00a.m~9:00p.m所以两者综合为A。

3. B  从第二则新闻可知在Jack Stein's 能欣赏到苏格兰舞蹈。

4. C  根据上文四月份不开放,所以只有11个月。

5. C  第一、二、四则短新闻中的活动价格都高于148元,只能选C。

五. 根据汉语将句子填写完整。

1. too,to  2. It's,for,to  3. saw,dancing  4. takes has a walk

5. on time,worrying / worried about

六. 短文改错

1. 在worker前加a。worker是单数名词,前面应加a。表示“一个”。

2. American 改为America。Come from后应该加“国名”。

3. is改为was。“出生”只用一般过去时。

4. children改为child。主语he与表语应保持数的一致性。children是复数,应改为单数形式。

5. friend改为friendly。“友好的”是friendly,friend是朋友的意思。

6. live前加to。want后面接动词不定式to do sth.

7. came后加to。come是不及物动词,要带宾语,必须加to。

8. 在1990前加in。在某一年,应有介词in。

9. Beijing前加in。“在……工厂”应该用介词in。

七. 书面表达

1. Mary was a beautiful girl.

2. She always thought (that) she was a little fat.

3. She ate so little that she fell ill.

4. Her mother told her (that) eating too little was bad for her health.



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