



时间:80分钟 总分:100分




1.A.Yes. But she’s very busy. B.Thanks, I will.

C.Sorry, I’m afraid.

2.A.Yes, please. B.I don’t want to go.

C.Great! Let’s go.

3.A.No, I’m too busy. B.Yes, but I won’t.

C.Good idea.

4.A.That’s a good idea. B.No, thanks.

C.Never mind.

5.A.Yes, please. B.Yes, I’d love to.

C.Chicken, please.




11.Who makes the noise?

A.Their neighbour downstairs. B.The boy.

C.Their nighbour upstairs.

12.What’s the girl doing?

A.She is studying. B.She is taking an exam.

C.She is listening to the radio.


13.What does the man do?

A.A worker. B.A student. C.A teacher.

14.Where should the man park his car?

A.In front of the buiding.

B.Behind the building.

C.In the building.

15.What does the man want to take to the company?

A.A cat. B.A bird. C.A dog.



16.What about ______ a new computer?

A.buy B.buying C. bought D.to buy

17.Why not ____ to my party?

A.come B.coming C.to come D.came

18.-Is she ______ to drive a car?

-Of course. She is already twenty-five.

A.too old B.too young

C.enough old D.old enough

19.I’d rather play tennis ______ swim.

A.with B.for C.than D.and

20.____ is wrong to copy other students’ homework.

A.This B.These C.That D.It

21. The rich man has decided to _____ everything he has to charity.

A. set up B.turn on C.put off D.give away

22.Would you please speak a little slowly? I can hardly ______ you. A.talk with B.agree with C.follow D.hear of

23.-I’m too busy _____ to my family often.

-Why not call them instead?

A.writing B.to write C.written D.write

24.-Let’s plan a surprise for our class. What’s your idea?

-Why not ______ a short play?

A.get on B.keep on C.have on D.put on

25.What should I____ my mother _____ her birthday?

A.get, of B.buy, to C.get, for D.take, to

26.You look tired. _____ working indoors, you should be out for a walk.

A.Ahead of B.Instead of

C.In front of D.In spite of

27.You made _____ mistakes. Please be careful next time.

A.too much B.too many C.few D.a lot

28.He won the first prize in the competition. The news made him very _______.

A.happy B.sad C.sorry D.scary

29.I didn’t need to go to the bank after all. Mary lent me the _____ .

A.book B.money C.bike D.car

30.The CD is very _______. I can’t stand it.

A.interesting B.exciting C.cheap D.boring

31.I’m sorry to keep you_____ for a long time.

A.wait B.to wait C.waiting D.waited

32.The teachers asked us_____ football on the road.

A.to not play B.to play

C.not to play D.not play

33.-Peter, ____ do you visit your grandparents?

-Twice a month.

A.how long B.how often

C.how soon D.how far

34._____ is right to do it like this.

A.That B.It C.This D.What

35.-How much _____ the shoes?

-Five dollars____ enough.

A.is, is B.are, is C.are, are D.is, are



36 We’re going to visit ____________ on Sunday.

37 There are lots of very interesting things there about __________and how films are made.

38 We’ll have to leave at _______________ by bus.

39 The cost of the trip will be ___________________each.

40 You’ll need to write things down, so take a pencil and __________ with you.


41.Please write your ______(个人的) information in the form.

42.I’ll give you something _____(特殊的) to eat at the party.

43.I haven’t ______(收到) your letter yet.

44.Joe is a lucky _____(小伙子). He got the famous star’s autograph.

45.Tomorrow is my father’s _____ (四十岁) birthday.

46.Kelly was ____(睡着的) on the sofa.

47._______(赠送礼物) is different in different countries.

48.I bought two ______(字典) last week.

49.Jean is always _____(抱怨) about something.

50.People don’t need to spend too much on gifts. ______ (代替) ,

making a meal is enough.


51.There are too many ____(mouse) in the old house.

52.This is my _____(person) computer.

53.How about ______(tell) a story?

54.He ____(give) me an apple last night.

55.He won the first prize. He is the _____(win) of the match.

56.He takes an _____(interested) in keeping pets.

57.He is encouraged_____(take) part in the competition.

58.He _____(sing) two songs for us yesterday.

59.I keep two pet ______(rabbit).

60.I like making _____(friend) with children.


a. Their dinner starts with a small dish.(就画线部分提问)

_______ ________ their dinner start with?

b.He is taller than any other boy in his class.(同义句)

He is ________ _______ boy in his class.

c.I asked him,“What’s the most popular food in your restaurant?” (改为间接引语)

I asked him _______ the most popular food ______ in his restaurant.

d.Cut up a pear into small slices. (否定句)

________ ______ up a pear into small slices.

e.I prefer receiving gifts to giving gifts. (同义句)

I prefer to receive gifts _____ ______ give gifts.


你认为什么样的礼物才有意义?请以“Birthday Gift” 为题写一篇短文,讲述你认为最有意义的一次送生日礼物的经历。80词左右。

Birthday Gift



1. Why not ask your teacher for help ?

2. It’s cool and windy. Let’s fly kites toghther.

3. Shall we go to plant trees tomorrow?

4. Let’s go to see the pandas.

5. Would you like some chicken or meat, Mary?

Ⅱ. 听下面的五组对话和问题,选择恰当的图片,读两遍。(5分)

6. W: Let’s play football, shall we?

M: Why not go swimming? It’s more interesing.

W: Great !

Q: What are they going to do?

7. M: It’s time for supper. What about something to eat?

W: Great! Let’s have noodles.

M: But I prefer dumplings to noodles.

W: OK. Let’s have dumplings.

Q: What will they have for supper?

8. W: It’s my grandmother’s birthday tomorrow. What present do you

think she would like?

M: Why not buy her a pair of glasses? She can’t see anything clearly.

W: You are right.

Q:What present will the girl buy?

9. M: Would you like something to drink?

W: Only if it’s not too much trouble.

M: Milk or juice?

W: A cup of tea is OK.

Q: What does the woman want?

10. M: Hi, Mary. There’s a new film on show in the cinema. Would you like to go and wee it with me?

W: Yes, I’d love to . But when?

M: It will be shown on the evening of Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

W: What about Friday?

M: OK!

Q: Where will they go on Friday?



W: Excuse me, Jack. Will you please turn down the radio? It’s too noisy.

M: But I’m not listening to the radio.

W: Then who makes the noise?

M:It comes from our upstairs.

W: Oh, my God! I’ll have an exam tomorrow and I have to get ready for it. I don’t want to fail it.

M:If you’re busy preparing for your exam, why not go upstairs and ask the neighbour to turn it down?

W: That’s a good idea!


W: Welcome to work in our company, young man.

M: Thank you, but I’m new here. Could you please tell me some of the rules here?

W: Certainly. First, about parking. There’s a parking lot behind the building. You can park your car there.

M:Where can I put the rubbish?

W: There’s a dustbin next to the lift. But you’d better put the garbage into a paper bag or a plastic one before you throw it into the dustbin.

M: OK. I see. Can I bring my pet dog here?

W: I’m afraid not . Pets are not allowed.

M:Thank you for telling me so much.

W: You’re welcome.


Boys and girls, I want to tell you abut our school trip. We’re going there on Saturday.I hope you can all come. As yu know, we’re going to visit the film museum. There are lots of very intetesting things there about the cinema and how film are made. We’ll have to leave at eight forty-five. So don’t be late . We ’ll get there by bus. Please meet at the bus stop.

What next? Oh, yes, the cost. It’ll be six dollars seventy each. Now, I’m going to give you some work to do at the museum. You will need to write things down, so take a pencil and a notebook with you. We’ll have lunch in the museum restaruant, so you needn’t bring any food with you. Well, I think that’s everything.


1-5 BCCAC 6-10 AAACB 11-15 CAABC

16-20 BBDCD 21-25 DCADC 26-30 BBABD

31-35 CCBBB

36. the film museum 37. the cinema 38. 8:45/eight forty-five

39. six dollars seventy 40. a notebook

41. personal 42.special 43.received 44.guy

45.fortieth 46.sleeping 47.Giving gifts 48.dictionaries

49.complaining 50.Instead 51.mice 52.personal

54.gave 55.winner 56.interest 57.to take

58.sang 59.rabbits 60.friends 61.What

62.does 63.the 64.tallest 65.what

66.was 67.Don’t 68.cut 69.rather



Birthday Gift

I don’t think expensive presents are always needed. Sometimes, cheap presents can also make people happy. I have a best friend named Wang Yan. Her family is very poor. And her mother is ill in bed. So on her birthday , I sent her a special gift, I went to her house and helped her clean the rooms and look after her mother. She was very happy that day. And I felt very happy, too. This is a best present, I think, isn’t it?



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