



时间:80分钟 分数:100分



1.A.Thank you. I won’t. B.Just a moment. C.Let’s play together.

2.A.That’s great! B.Me, too. C.With pleasure.

3.A.But I don’t think so. B.Why do you say so?

C.Thank you. I will.

4.A.That’s great! B.Thanks a lot. C.Good-bye.

5.A.Me, too. B.I agree with you. C.Neither do I.




11.What did Tom do just now?

A.He fought with Rose. B.He talked with Jim.

C.He fought with Jim.

12.What does the girl advice Tom to do?

A.She advised him to talk with the teacher.

B.She advised him to talk with Rose.

C.She advised him to make peace with Jim.


13.What does Jack has to do?

A.He has to go back to his country for Christmas.

B.He has to work hard at his lessons.

C.He has to have the exams before Christmas.

14.Where does Jack come from?

A.America. B.England. C.Canada.

15.When will he have the exams?

A.Before Christmas. B.In December.

C.In January.


( ) 16.Tom’s mother got a good job in a big icty.

( ) 17.Tom and his mother went to the park on the

third afternoon.

( ) 18.Tom played in the pool happily.

( ) 19.The pool is dangerous, and 369 people died in it.

( ) 20.Tom looked into the pool because he wanted

to see the dead people.



21.-Do you mind if I open the window?


A.No, not at all B.Sorry, I’ll do it right away

C.Yes, please D.I’ll be glad to

22.I bought this pen here,______ it doesn’t work.

A.with B.and C.but D.for

23.-I’ll have an _____ of fish.

-OK. I’ll bring you right now.

A.order B.way C.plate D.arrange

24.The movie was _____ . I don’t like it at all.

A.wonderful B.good C.great D.terrible

25. It’s better ____ your voice down in public places.

A.keeping B.to keep C.keeps D.keep

26.Dropping litter ______ never allowed in our city.

A.is B.are C.will D.don’t

27.One of the ____ polite ways ask someone is “Would you mind…?”

A.much B.more C.many D.most

28.Could you please ________?

A.do the dishes B.doing the dishes

C.to do the dishes D.did the dishes

29.Why not _____ help when you were in trouble?

A.you ask for B.ask for

C.asking for D.asked for

30.She would like _____ a violin lesson.

A.have B.to have C.having D.has

31.I will do it ________ .

A.after a minute B.in a minute

C.right way D.before a minute

32.Be polite _____ others!

A.to B.at C.about D.for

33.It is better to ____ the lights before you leave here.

A.put out B.put off C.put on D.put up

34.He got really ____ while hearing the bad news.

A.angrily B.angry C.happy D.happily

35. Could you please _____ the radio a bit ? It’s too loud.

A.turn up B.turn down C.turn off D.turn on


36.Would you mind ______(调) down the TV?

37.We must finish the _____(任务) as soon as pissible.

38.What he said made me feel ________(不舒服的) .

39.The kids were playing in the back _______(庭院) .

40.We should talk _______(有礼貌) to the old people.

41.They often _______(抱怨) about the food.

42.He’ll be __(生气) to find that nothing has been done.

43.________(吸烟) is not allowed here.

44.Would you mind _______(传递) me the newspaper.

45.China and Japan are ______(亚洲) countries.


46.Would you mind not ______(put) your bike here?

47.I ______(buy) this shirt yesterday.

48.He will ________(do) the dishes in a minute.

49.It’s very _______(polite) to cut in line.

50.12-year-olds are not _______(allow) to smoke.

51.Could you please ___________(pick) it up?

52.I want __________(be) a doctor in the future.

53.She is so ______(carefully) to look after the baby.

54.Would you mind ______(keep) your voice down?

55.My classmate often _____(borrow) my money.



Would you ______ _______ your room?


I’ll do it _______ _________.


You _____ _____ ______ your homework before

you go out to play.


The pen _____ ______ didn’t ________ .


66. mind, turning, the, would, music, you, down


67. with, you, my, could, me, homework, help


68. best, said, was, it, your, great, friend

____________________________________________________________ .

69. school, happens, time, library, me, the, all, this, to, in, the

____________________________________________________________ .

70.don’t, the, to, sports, know, club, I, way, the







1. Don’t play football in the street. It’s too dangerous.

2. I’ve got a lot of homework to do tonight.

3. I think you’d better give up smoking. It’s bad for your health.

4. Be careful when you cross the srteet. There’s too much ice on the road.

5. One can’t work well if he doesn’t play.


6. W: You are very tired, aren’t you?

M: Yes. I planted some trees with my classmates just now.

Q:Why does theboy look tired?

7. W: Would you mind not singing here? I’m doing my homework.

M: Sorry, I won’t.

Q: What is the boy doing?

8. W: Why is the baby crying?

M: He can’t find his mother.

W: Where is his mother?

M: She has gone to the hospital to see a patient.

Q: Where is the baby’s mother?

9. W: Oh, young boy, don’t draw on the wall of the house. It’s too dirty.

M: Sorry, I won’t do it again.

Q: What is the boy doing?

10. W: Oh, no. These shoes are too small.

M: Don't worry, Madam. Try this pair.

W: OK. How much?

M: 440 yuan.

W:That’s too expensive. Do you have cheaper ones?

Q: What are they talking about?



W: Hi, Tom! Why are you so angry? What’s the matter?

M: I had a fight with Jim just now and I broke his glasses.

W: Why?

M: He said something bad about my mother behind my back.

W: Who told you that?

M: My good friend, Rose. She heard the words.

W: I don’t think you should fight with him. You’d better have a talk with him. You should make peace with him.

M: Thank you, I will.


W:Are you going back to England for this Christmas, Jack?

M:Yes, I want, but I’m afraid I can’t. I don’t know if I will have time then.


M:Because I’m very busy with my lessons, especially Chinese. And there will be exams two weeks after Christmas.

W:So you have to get ready for the exams.


W:I wish you good luck in the exams.

M:Thank you.


Tom lived in the country. He liked playing in the river near his house. Then his father got a good job in a big city and they oved to the city.

Their new house had a small garden. Tom wan’t very happy. “Is there a river near here?” he asked his mother on the third morning.His mother answered, “No, there isn’t, but there’s a beautijul park here and there is a pool in it. We will go there this afternoon.” Tom felt very happy.

After lunch, Tom and his mother went to the park. Tom wanted to play in the pool, but therewas a sign in front of it. It said, “Be careful!” This pool is very dangerous. 369 people died here, in the pool.” Tom looked into the pool and said, “But I can’t see them.”

The keys

1-5 ABCBB 6-10 CABBB 11-15 CCBBC

16-20 FTFTT 21-25 ACADB 26-30 ADABB

31-35 BAABB

36.turning 37.task 38.uncomfortable

39.yard 40.politely 41.complain

42.angry / annoyed 43.Smoking 44.passing

45.Asian 46.putting 47.bought

48.do 49.impolite 50.allowed

51.pick 52.to be 53.careful

54.keeping 55.borrows 56.mind

57.cleaning 58.right / at 59.away / once

60.have 61.to 62.finish

63.you 64.bought 65.work

66.Would you mind turning down the music ?

67.Could you help me with my homework?

68.Your best friend said it was great.

69.This happens to me all the time in the school library.

70.I don’t know the way to the sports club.


When I see someone litter about, I can be very angry. If that happens around me, I would say to him politely, “Excuse me, would you mind not littering about and would you mind picking it up?” If he doesn’t listen to me, I would pick it up and set an example to him. I think usually it would make his face turn red and perhaps he would not do that again. It’s everyone’s duty to protect the environment.



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