


( ) 46. A. puzzle B. prize C. expression D. contribution

( ) 47. A. spent B. examined C. received D. noticed

( ) 48. A. selling B. agreeing C. becoming D. awarding

( ) 49. A. preferred B. wrote C. quarreled D. practiced

( ) 50. A. because B. until C. unless D. before

( ) 51. A. sonata B. friendship C. help D. secret

( ) 52. A. correct B. lucky C. successful D. funny

( ) 53. A. life B. composition C. favorite D. dream

( ) 54. A. magical B. famous C. modern D. unknown

( ) 55. A. question B. idea C. thing D. body

( ) 56. A. walked out B. enjoyed themselves C. sang together D. fell off

( ) 57. A. frustrating B. amazing C. disturbing D. rewarding

( ) 58. A. painful B. opposite C. necessary D. popular

( ) 59. A. presence B. watch C. television D. experience

( ) 60. A. of B. for C. near D. across

Ⅵ. 阅读下列短文,完成下列问题.(30分)


The weather was fine last night. My friend named Steve and I decided to sleep in the open air. I found the sleeping bags under the bed in my room. I also packed some snacks. We could hardly wait for it to get dark. We opened our sleeping bags and put them on the grass in front of my house. Steve and I played some games, talked about something interesting and had a snack. In the end it got dark. We were just falling asleep when we heard something unusual.

"Maybe it is just a small animal," I said. Steve said nothing, but I could feel he was frightened (受惊吓的). After I looked around, I was sure it wasn't an animal. It was my little brother, Tommy.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "You know, Tommy, you frightened us."

"Sorry, Bill," he said. "It's hot in the room. I want to sleep outside with you."

"Well, OK," I said. "Just come and lie down next to us."

"Good night, Bill and Steve," said Tommy. "And thanks."

( ) 61. Where did Steve and Bill decide to sleep last night?

A. In Steve's house. B. In Bill's house.

C. Outside Steve's house. D. Outside Bill's house.

( ) 62. When did Bill find the sleeping bags?

A. Before it got dark. B. After it got dark.

C. At midnight. D. This morning.

( ) 63. How did Steve feel when he heard something strange?

A. Sad. B. Angry. C. Happy. D. Afraid.

( ) 64. What did Tommy come out of the house to do?

A. To drink with Bill. B. To eat food with Steve.

C. To sleep with Bill and Steve. D. To play games with Bill and Steve.

( ) 65. How many persons slept in the open air at last in the story?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.


People in different countries do things differently. For example, Australians put their shirt "tails" on the clothes-line after washing, because they usually put the shirt "tails" into their trousers. When the clothes pegs leave marks on the clothes, other people will not see them. That's why Australians also put the bottom of their socks on the clothes-line. If they put the top of their socks on the clothes-line, the marks left by the pegs may be seen by others. Do you do some washing or others help you to do so? I believe you can do it by yourself and you will get much fun from it. Please have a try after this exam.

( ) 66.In which country do such things happen?

A. In China. B. In France. C. In Australia. D. In Japan.

( ) 67.In which place do the people usually put their clothes to make them dry in the passage?

A. On the wall. B. On the clothes-line.

C. On the door. D. On the chair.

( ) 68. Australians don't want others to see the marks left by the pegs on the shirts, so_______.

A. they don't buy shirts

B. they don't like wearing shirts

C. they put their shirts on the clothes-line by the pockets

D. they put their shirts on the clothes-line by the shirt "tails"

( ) 69. In which way do Australians dry their clothes according to (根据) the passage?

( ) 70. What does "tails" mean in Chinese in the passage?

A. 尾巴 B. 下端 C. 袖子 D. 领子


Almost all people like flowers. Some people like flowers because of their smells, shapes, colors and so on. Others like flowers because they think different flowers mean different things. Flowers have their own language. For example, red roses mean "love" and sunflowers mean "loyalty" ( 忠诚 ). So people in more than 100 countries have chosen their own national flowers which say something about their countries' spirit (精神). In 1994, China talked about choosing a national flower. Some people liked the peony (牡丹) but others liked the plum blossom (梅花). They couldn't agree with each other. So it has not been decided yet. People like to buy different flowers in different seasons. Where do all the beautiful flowers in shops come from? They may come from far away, so their price is higher.

a. Farmers grow flowers in their fields.

b. Planes or trains or buses take the flowers to different places.

c. Flower shopkeepers buy flowers from the flower markets. They' look at the flowers and throw away the broken or bad ones. They cut the flowers to make them more beautiful.

d. You go to buy the flowers in the shops. When you buy a flower, you're paying lots of people: the farmer, the driver of the plane or train or bus, the seller in the flower market and the flower shopkeeper. So you'd better keep your flowers from far away for a long time. But how? Why not dry them? It's easy! Sand drying is a way. Dry, clean sand is one of the oldest things for drying flowers. And it's one of the Cheapest. Fill a box half-way with sand. Put the flowers on top of the sand. Put the box in a warm, dry place. Leave the flowers there for one to three weeks. Take them out and they will be dry.

( ) 71. The underlined words "national flowers" most probably means_______.

A. the flowers of the country B. the flowers of the season

C. the most beautiful flowers D. the strongest flowers

( ) 72. People usually choose their own" national flower" according to the flower's__________.

A. smell B. shape C. color D. meaning

( ) 73. The Chinese national flower has not been decided yet, because_______.

A. no flower can show China's spirit

B. China hasn't talked about choosing one

C. nobody agrees to choose the national flower

D. people can't agree to choose the same flower

( ) 74. You'd better keep your flowers for a long time, because______.

A. the flowers are easy to dry

B. the farmer will also ask you to pay

C. the flowers are expensive to buy

D. the shopkeeper has made them more beautiful

( ) 75. Sand drying is everything here in the following but______.

A. easy B. clean C. old D. cheap

VII. 书面表达.(10分)

你做家务劳动 (housework) 吗? 现在有两种观点(idea): 1、孩子读书已经够辛苦的了,回家做完作业我们就让他好好休息、好好玩,第二天他才有更充足的精力投入学习。2、中学生适当参加家务劳动不仅不会影响学习,还可以掌握更多的生活技能,并且在劳动中培养良好的工作和学习习惯。家务劳动可以促进学习,促进能力形成,促进亲情。你的观点什么?


I. 1. earth 2. fire 3. chance 4. host 5. clever 6. player 7. champion 8. envelope 9. nervous 10. response

II. 11. disappointing 12. prediction 13. less 14. creator 15. personal 16. argument 17. friends 18. exhaustion 19. pressure 20. flight

III. 21~25 BBDBD 26~30 ACABB 31~35 ABBBD 36~40 CABCB新 课标 第一网

IV. 41. or, miss 42. had better 43. like best 44. enjoy themselves 45. look up

V. 46~50 BCDBD 51~55 CBABB 56~60 ABDCB

VI. 61~65 DADCB 66~70 CBDCB 71~75 ADDCB


I agree to the second idea. I think we, the middle school students, should do some housework at home. Housework will neither disturb our life nor our studies. It can make us grasp more life skills, and form a good habit of working and studying. We can get on well with our parents when we do the housework. We can understand it is difficult to do the housework. So we must respect our parents' work and work hard at school.



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