初二英语Western music测试题及答案



  Module 5 Western music



  ●Exercises for new words?


  Ⅰ.Spell out the word according to the sentence meaning and tip.?


  1.A c    is a person who writes music.?

  2.A f    of music is much interested in music.?

  3.T    is a kind of music played by electronic instrument.?

  4.He is very s    when he heard his friend died.?

  5.My English teacher’s class is very interesting and l   .?

  6.Beethoven’s music is (戏剧性)and beautiful.?

  7.Her rock music is very (精彩).?

  8.The boy got a (严重) cold in such weather.?

  9.Their most popular (乐器) are violins and pianos.??

  答案:Ⅰ.1.composer 2.fan 3.Techno 4.sad?5.lively 6.dramatic? 7.brilliant 8.serious?9.instruments??

  ●Exercises for phrases?


  Ⅱ.Complete the sentence with the proper phrase in the box.?


  in addition to a lot of be famous hear of of course prefer...to like now and then all the time not only...but also?

  1.The dancers are good at      different music.?

  2.The young violinist plays the guitar      the violin.?

  3.The star       for rock music in the world.?

  4.     do the people sing classical songs       they sing pop songs.?

  5.Lots of young fans likes pop      .?

  6.We haven’t seen the small country or     it.?

  7.The singers use modern drums and       use guitars.?

  8.I      playing the piano       playing the violin.?

  9.—Would you like to go to the concert??

  —    ,I’d like to.?

  答案:Ⅱ.1.a lot of 2.in addition to 3.is famous?4.Not only?;but also 5.all the time 6.heard of 7.now and then 8.prefer...to 9.Of course?

  ●Exercises for function sentences?


  Ⅲ.Complete the dialogue with the right choice in the box.?


  Jack:You like rock music,don’t you??

  Lucy: 1 ?

  Jack:You are interested in western music,aren’ t you??

  Lucy: 2 ?

  Jack:Me too.I like it very much just like you.?

  Lucy: 3 ?

  Jack:Strauss.His music is very beautiful.?

  Lucy: 4 ?

  Jack:No,he was born in Austria,but he is a Frenchman.?

  A.Yes,I do.?

  B.He was Austrian,wasn’t he??

  C.Who is your favorite western classical composer??

  D.Yes,of course,I am.I love it,and I also listen to Chinese pop music.It’s brilliant.?

  答案:Ⅲ.1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B?

  ●Exercises for grammar?


  Ⅳ.Multiple choice(单项填空)?

  1.Have you    Beethoven,the great composer??

  A.heard from     B.heard of     C.heard     D.listened to ?

  答案: 1.B A项hear from指“收到某人信;得到某人消息”。B项heard of 意为“听说”。C项为“直接听到”,表示结果。D项listen to 表示?动作?。?

  2.—Let us listen to some classical music,    

  —Yes,of course.?

  A.will you B.do you C.shall we D.won’t you ?

  答案: 2.A 考查祈使句中反意疑问句用法。Let us 的反意疑问句用 will you,Let’s 用shall we。

  3.—I often sing some pop songs after class.?

  —    .I like pop songs.?

  A.I too B.Too me C.Me too D.Yes,so I do ?

  答案: 3.C 此处属于简略回答。后者和前者动作一致。?

  4.They hear     European and American music.?

  A.much too B.too much C.a lot D.too many ?

  答案: 4.B 不可数名词的修饰法,too much+不可数?名词?。?

  5.Many students never like western classical music,    

  A.don’t they B.haven’t they?

  C.do they D.have they ?

  答案: 5.C 反意疑问句前面为肯定,后面应为否定的?形式?。?

  6.The little girl prefers listening English .?

  A.to read B.reading C.to reading D.read ?

  答案: 6.C 属于prefer doing...to doing 的结构。?

  7.—Mrs.Smith didn’t come to the meeting, ??

  —No, .She was ill.?

  A.did he;he didn’t B.did he;he did?

  C.didn’t she;she didn’t D.did she;she didn’t ?

  答案: 7.D 反意疑问句要注意前面为否定时,后面要用肯定结构。?

  8.The young man was successful and popular than the old man.?

  A.even B.much C.even more D.less more ?

  答案: 8.C 多音节形容词比较级要加more。?

  9.His waltzes him famous all over the world.?

  A.lets B.made C.get D.called?

  答案: 9.B 此处为make+sb.+?adj?.的结构。?

  10.—What kind of music do you like??

  —I like rock music.It’s lively and nice .?

  A.dance B.dance to

  C.to dance D.to dance to?

  答案: 10.D dance to 指“和着……跳舞”。不定式to dance to 作定语。?

  ●Sentence structure training?


  Ⅴ.Choose the right description of the part of sentence underlined.?


  1.It is by the composer Johann Strauss.?

  A.主语 B.谓语 C.宾语 D.表语?

  2.He wants to learn to play techno and be a musician.?

  A.主语 B.谓语 C.宾语 D.表语?

  3.You don’t need to play a musical instrument to be a musician.?

  A.状语 B.谓语 C.宾语 D.表语?

  4.His Waltzes made him famous all over Europe.?

  A.主语 B.补语 C.宾语 D.表语?

  5.There were two composers called Johann Strauss.?

  A.定语 B.谓语 C.宾语 D.表语?

  6.I’m the only one who doesn’t like techno.?

  A.主语 B.定语 C.宾语 D.表语??

  Ⅴ.1.D 介词短语作表语,表示“由……创作”。?

  2.C want后面通常跟宾语,不定式to learn充当宾语。?

  3.A 不定式短语“to be a musician”作目的状语。?

  4.B make后面接双宾语,一般结构为:make+名词/代词+形容词/名词。故famous 作补语。?

  5.A 过去分词作定语,表示被动。?

  6.B who引导的定语从句,作定语,修饰前面的先行词the only one。?



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