




(              )1. A. I want a piece of paper.

                   B.I don’t want a piece of paper.

                   C.I have a piece of paper.

(                ) 2. A. The box is yours .

                         B.The box is small.

                         C.The box is heavy .

(                   ) 3. A.She often goes to Shanghai by train .

                           B.She often comes to Shanghai by air .

                            C.She often goes to Shanghai by sea.

(                      ) 4. A.The fifth lesson is very easy .

                          B. the fifth lesson isn’t easy .

                          C. The fifth lesson is very easy .

(                       ) 5. A. There are many men in the bus .

                               B. There are many women in the bus .

                               C. There are seven boys in the bus .


(                  )6. A. Yes , please .

                          B. Certainly .Here you are .

                          C. Sorry .This is too small.

(                    ) 7. A. I’m sorry I’m late.

                            B.Yes , please .

                            C. It doesn’t matter.

(                   ) 8. A. Because I like fishing .

                           B.You are going fishing with me .

                           C. Because I don’t like fishing .

(                    ) 9. A. Yes , only a little .

                            B. Please give me some .

                            C. I don’t want any tea.

(                    )10.A. Yes , I can’t .

                             B. Sorry , I must.

                             C. Yes , sir .

三、听, 填所缺的词。(10分)

Ji Wei lives _____ a farm . The farm is not _____. His parents grow rice and _____. They don’t use ______ to do farm wok any _____. Today they use a _____ . It works faster and _____ .Ji Wei likes the country . Because he can ______ birds ______ and _______ bleating.


一、 选择填空(20分)

(                 )1.Would you like ______ cake ?

A. next               B. other             C. another             D. an

(                   )2.______ you free tomorrow ?

A. Are                B. Do                 C. Is D.             Does

(                   )3.The mooncakes _____ nuts are nicer.

A, and                  B. with                 C. have               D. has

(                    ) 4..Could you get some water ___ me ?

A. to               B. of               C. at              D. for

(                   )5. They want to take some fruit _____ them .

A. and                B. with               C. from                D. to

(                 )6.Our school isn’t far _____ here.

A. to                B. near                 C. of               D. from

(                      )7.Li Lei often _____ breakfast at home .

A . has                  B. have              C. is having                     D.haves

(              )8 He thinks the animals ____ the farm are the best.

A. on              B. in                 C. to                D. with

(                 )9.How much are the bananas?

A. That’s dear                  B. That’s cheap               C.It’s four yuan a kilo              D. Half a kilo

(                    )10. What about _____ a swim ?

A.have                B. has                 C. having               D. to have

(                 )11.Thank you for _____ us so well .

A. teach              B. teaches                C. teaching                 D.teachs

(                  )12. What’s the boy doing? He ____ a kite on the playground.

A. is flying                  B. flying                  C. flies              D.are flying

(                   )13.Why ____ you go to the zoo with them ?

A. don’t                  B. not                C. aren’t              D.isn’t

(                     )14.She doesn’t like _____ at all.

A. run               B. running               C. runs               D.runing

(                  )15.My bike is different ____ yours.

A. to               B. with                   C. for                D. from

(                )16.Which is ______ , this basket or that one?

A. bigger                 B . big                C. biggest              D. the biggest

(                 )16.Who is ______,your father, your mother and your uncle?

A.young                      B. younger              C. youngest              D. the youngest

(                )17. May I borrow your ruler , please ? ________.

A.No, I don’t .                B. Here you are .            C. Give you .            D. Here are you.

(                  )18._____ the students are playing on the playground.

A. All                  B. Both                   C. not                    D. Not

(                    )19.What are the students going to do ____ Monday morning .

A. at               B. on                C. in                D. for

(                    )20.Han Mei helps Mother ____ clothes .

A. washing                B. to washing                C. washes                D. wash

二、 根据首字母完成句子(10分)

1. September is the n_____ month of the year .

2. W_________ to China .

3. I don’t a________ with you .

4. The farmers are working in the f______.

5. Are you f_____ tomorrow?

三、 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)

1.My teacher is much ____than your teacher . (busy )

2.Li Lei is the _____ student in his school.(good)

3.The _____ lesson is the easiest lesson of the three.(two)

4.I often hear him _____ that song .(sing )

5.That film is the __________ of all . (exciting )

四、 句型转换(10分)

1. Let’s go shopping .

________ _______ going shopping ?

2. Do you have time tomorrow ?

_____ you _____ tomorrow?

3. The two boys are in Row Five .

The two boys are in _____ ______ row .

4. .Clean the blackboard, please. (改为否定句)

______ ______ clean the blackboard.

5. Lily likes eating cakes.(改为疑问句)

_____ Lily ______ eating cakes.


Kate is from America. She’s American . She 1 English . She can also speak 2 Chinese . She is in Beijing now . She 3 in a middle school. She 4 classes on weekdays.

She often 5 her mother go shopping 6 Sundays . her father is in Beijing . He 7 English . Her mother also 8 in Beijing . They 9 Chinese food . And they like China and the Chinese people 10

(               )1.A.speak              B. speaking                C. speaks

(                  )2.A. little                 B. little                 C. many

(                    )3.A.studys               B. is studying                   C. study

(                   )4.A.is                B. have                 C. has

(                   )5.A.help              B. helps          C. helping

(                   )6.A. on                 B. in              C. at

(                   )7.A. teach                 B. teaches                  C. teaching

(                  )8.work               B. works                      C. working

(                      )9.A.like                  B. likes                   C. liking

(                     )10.A. very good                    B. very much              C. very friendly



One day , Mr Smith is going to take a train to his hometown. When the train starts , one of his shoes falls to the ground . the train is running faster and faster and he couldn’t pick it up . Then he quickly takes off the other one and throws it on the ground near the fallen shoe . A little boy on the train asks him , “Why do you do that ? You’ve already lost one shoe. “ Mr Smith answers , “If a man picks them up , he may get a pair of shoes.”

( )1.Mr Smith is going to his hometown _______.

A. on foot B. by bike C. by train D . by bus

( )2.What happened to the man when the train starts ? He lost______.

A. his shoes B. his watch C. one of his shoes D. nothing

( )3.Mr Smith can’t pick up the fallen shoe because ______

A. he thinks it too old

B. he didn’t want to take it back

C. the train has already started

D. the little boy picked it up

( )4.______ throws the other shoe on the ground

A. Nobody B. This man and the boy

C. The little boy D. Mr Smith

( )5.Which of the following is true?

A. Mr Smith throws the fallen shoe on the ground .

B. Mr Smith doesn’t want the shoes .

C . The boy want the shoes .

D. Mr Smith thinks a man may get a pair of shoes to wear if the other near the fallen shoe.


Helen’s eyes are not very good , so she usually wears glasses .When she is seventeen , she begins to go out with a young man . She never wears her glasses when she is with him .When he comes to the door to take her out , she takes her glasses off , and when she comes home again and he leaves , she puts them on.

One day her mother says to her , “ But Helen , why do you never wear your glasses when you are with him? He takes you to beautiful places in his car , but you don’t see anything .”

“Well ,mother ,” said Helen . “I look prettier to Jim when I am not wearing my glasses _____ and he looks better to me , too!”

( )1.Helen usually wears glasses because _____.

A. her eyes are not very big

B. her eyes are very ugly(丑陋的)

C. her eyes are very beautiful

D. her eyes are not very good

( )2.From this story we know that Helen’s boyfriend is _______.

A. fat B. tall C. Jim D. short

( ) 3. Helen’s mother _______.

A. doesn’t like Jim

B. doesn’t know who Jim is

C. doesn’t know why Helen never wears her glasses when she is with

D. Jim doesn’t like Helen

( ) 4.Which of the following is not true ?

A. Helen and Jim are classmates

B. Helen is about 17 years old

C. Helen is Jim’s girlfriend

D. Jim doesn’t look very handsome

( )5.Which of the following is true ?

A. Helen has a lot of money

B. Jim has a car

C. Helen can see everything clearly when she is with him .

D. Jim takes Helen out on his bike



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