初二英语课件I love learning English



编者按:威廉希尔app 小编为大家收集发布了初二英语课件I love learning English,希望对大家有所帮助。

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帮写篇英语作文 I love learning english 字数不用很多




I love larning English because English is very important and useful. Learning English helps people all over the world talk to each other. English is the main language used at the United Nations. I love to travel. i can talk to someone in other countries in English. I can talk to Canadians, Americans and French. I want to be a businessman. When I am older in the future. I should learn Enlish very well. I hope to communicate with business people from other countries. I hope to work with foreign companies. I can make my company be very big. I will have a good future if I can learn English very well.

But how can we learn English very well? What's your best way to learn English? My best way to learn English is to watch TV, movies and listening to English songs. Sometimes I don't know how to say something. Then I think in Chinese and I say the word in English sentences! When I don't understand a word. I will look it up in the dictionary. I am sure that I will learn English very well in the future.


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