初二英语课件A charity walk



编者按:威廉希尔app 小编为大家收集发布了初二英语课件A charity walk,希望对大家有所帮助。

我们为大家收集整理了关于A charity walk,以方便大家参考。

第一部分 教学设计

VOCABULARY blind, deaf, group, trail, within, hill, mountain, excellent, chance, spirit,  record, training, fitness, aim, aid, first-aid, airline, grandchild, handwriting, headache, overcoat, pancake, postman, toothbrush, upstairs, weekday, ache, only, flat, attention, rainy, umbrella, wise, mobile, lost, winner(四会);disabled, elderly, homeless, trailwalker, perfect, vest, violin, detail, fund. certificate, contact, download (三会); vet, verse, vine(二会)

EXPRESSIONS a charity walk, design a web page, team spirit, support each other, comfortable, at least, development projects, try one’s best to do sth., within…, the process of growth, take place, provide sb. with sth., look down on, download sth. from, contact sb. on+ telephone number, have chance to do sth., even though, of course

STRUCTURES Will you support me?

I don’t thin’ll ever finish your walk.

What about homeless people?

It is an excellent chance for people to learn team spirit.

It is necessary for them to support and help each other.

It is meaningful to support charities.

It is necessary that you start training a few months before the walk.

The money is used to help poor people.

They have to finish the walk within 48 hours.

What’s the aim of Oxfam Trailwalker?

I believe that South Hill is the perfect place for the charity walk.

For further information, please contact us on 7890281.

Period 1 Comic strips & welcome to the unit

(Organizing a charity walk, People who need help)

Teaching goals

To learn some expressions

To learn about people who need help

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Looking and saying

Hi, class. Look at the pictures on page 92. Read after me what Hobo and Eddie are saying.

Now learn these words and expressions from this part.

train for…, a charity walpport sb., support charities, need money, during walk, finish one’s walk

Make sentences of your own with them.

Step 2 Listening and answering

What will Hobo and Eddie do to support charities?

What is Hobo doing for charity walk?

Is Eddie willing to support charities?

What does he thinpporting charities?

What does Eddie give Hobo?

What does Hobo need?

What does Eddie think of Hobo’s walk?

Step 3 Reading after the tape and discussing

希望大家可以学会A charity walk.想了解更多精彩内容,请关注我们的网站!

点击下载:初二英语课件A charity walk.rar


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