





1.—Who’s that girl over there?

—She’s Susan, a friend of ________(I).(贵阳)

2.These are ________(Tom) pencils.

3.There are five________(ruler) on the desk.

4.T hank you for ________(take) care of (照顾) my pet dog.

5.I have three ____________(dictionary).

6.—Are those your ________(pencil)?

—Yes,they are.

7.Excuse ________(I), is this your eraser?

8.These two ________(box)are blue.

9.You can see many ____________(dictionary)here.

10.—________(be) those your dogs?

—Yes,they are.

11.—Here is your key.

—Oh, __________ (thank).

12.Bob and Mike are ________ (teach) in a middle school.

13.This cup is not Lily's. ________ (her) is white.

14. —Thank you for ________ (help) me.

—You’re welcome.

15.Please ask Jim. The pen is ________ (h e).


16.—David, is this your sister's bike?

—No, it's not ________. It’s my brother’s.(湖北孝感)

A.yours B.his

C.hers D.mi ne

17.Alice has a re d pen, and the blue one is ________,too.(成都)

A.his B.her C.hers

18.—Is this her eraser?


A.Yes, it is B.No, it is

C.Yes, it isn’t D.No, this isn't

19.________.Is this your bag?

A.Excuse me B.Thank you

C.Hello D.How are you

20.Is that bike ________?(四川雅安)

A.she B.hers

C.her D.she’s

21.—Thank you for your help.


A.Excuse me B.Thank you

C.Sorry,I can’t D.You’re welcome

22.—Are those Lucy's English books?


A.Yes, they’re B.No, they are

C.Yes, they are D.No, these aren’t

23.—What’s this?

—It’s ________ eraser.(四川南充)

A.a B.an

C.the D.×

24.当你不小心撞到别人时,你应该说“ ________”表示歉意。(福建泉州)

A.Thanks. B.Sorry.


25.That is ________ eraser and ________ eraser is white.

A.a; a B.an; an

C.the; an D.an; the

26.(2015•资阳)—Sally,may I use your iPad?________ is broken(坏了).

—OK,here you are.

A.Your B.Yours

C.Mine D.My

27.—Jenny,are these your mother's clothes?

—No,________ are on the bed.

A.she    B.her

C.hers    D.his

28.(2015•菏泽)—________.Is this your book?

—Yes,it is. Thank you!

A.Sorry B.Hello C.Excuse me

29.—Thank you for your book.


A.I’m OK B.That’s good

C.You’re welcome D.No, thanks

30.—Is this book yours?

—________. It is Linda’s.

A.No, it isn’t B.Yes, it is

C.Yes, I am D.No, I’m not

31. —________ this dictionary?

—It’s good. I like it.

A.What’s B.Who’s

C.What color is D.What about

32.Thank you ________ your eras er.

A.in B.of

C.for D.to

33.That is my ________. My books are in it.

A.pencil B.schoolbag

C.eraser D.ruler

34.This is ________. And that is my pencil box.

A.Anna rulers

B.Anna' s rulers

C.Anna ruler

D.Anna’s ruler


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