





1.—Where is Lily?

—Sorry,I do n’t ________(知道).

2.Your bag isn’t on the bed. It’s ________(在……下面) the table.

3.Where’s the ____________(书柜)?

4.Oh,a bird is ________(在……上面) my head!

5.Are th e ________(包) on the chair?

6.Mary’s hat is on her ________ (头) now.

7.Look! The dog is on the ________(床).

8.Please ________ (来) to my house this afternoon.

9.I ________ (认为) Jane is in the classroom now.

10.Your bag is in the ________ (书桌).

11.You can see a cup on the ________(桌子).


12.—Is your hat ________ your head?

—Yes, it is.

A.on B.in

C.under D.at

13.—________ my baseball?

—It’s under the chair.

A.Where B.Where's

C.Where’re D.Where are

14.—Where is ________ book?

—It’s on ________ desk. (江西高安中学联考)

A.the;the  B.the;/

C.a;the D./;/

15.—Where is your grandmother?


A.She is in her room

B.She is my daughter

C.She is fine

16.—Where are your parents?


A.He is at home B.He is in his room

C.Yes, they are D.I don't know

17.—Are your pens in your pencil box?


A.Yes, it is B.No, it isn’t

C .Yes, they are D.No, they don't

18.________, Jim! Let’ s go out to play.

A.Come to B.Come for

C.Come by D.Come on

19.________ T-shirts are on the bed.

A.Their B.They

C.I D.Me

20.Look at the wall! There is a big door ________ it.

A.in B.on

C.to D.at


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