初二英语上册第14课家庭作业题:Helping Each Other



在中国,英语也是一门主要的课程,与语文数学并列,是求学者永远离不开必学的一门课程。威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了这篇初二英语上册第14课家庭作业题

初二英语上册第14课家庭作业题:Helping Each Other


1. short _____ _______ 2. tall______ ______

3. heavy _____ _______ 4. thin____________

5. funny _____ _______ 6. serious______ ______

7. outgoing______ ______ 8. friendly_______ _____

9. smart ______ ______ 10.quiet_____ _______


1. He gets up______ (early) than his classmates.

2. Susan is______ (good) than Mary.

3. She is______ (tall) of the two girls.

4. He is ______ (healthy) than his brother.

5. Tom is short, but Sam is ______ (short).


( )1. Her hair is______ than______.

A long, your B longer, you C longest, yours D longer, yours

( )2. That boy is very______. He is a great basketball______.

A tall, play B taller, player C tall, player D tall, play

( )3. Which season do you like______, winter ______ summer?

A better, and B best, or C better, or D best, and

( )4. She is______ than any other girl in her class. So she is______ .

A outgoing, more outgoing B more outgoing, most outgoing

C more outgoing, the most outgoing D most outgoing, more outgoing

( )5.--Is that Sam?

--No, that’s John. He is______ than Sam.

A thin B the thinner C thinner D the thinnest


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