牛津译林版初二英语Unit4家庭作业:Do it yourself



46. (中考•乌鲁木齐) I enjoy rock music because__it__is__exciting.(对画线部分提问)

________do________enjoy rock music?

47. I plan to watch Days of Our Past tonight. (改为同义句)

I________ a________ to watch Days of Our Past tonight.

48. I hope to find a good job some day. (改为同义句)

I________ that________ ________ ________a good job some day.

49.They may not be very excited.(改为同义句)

________ they________ ________ very excited.

50.What do you think of China? (改为同义句)

________ do you ________ China?


51. 昨天我在街上碰巧见到我的老朋友。

I________ ________ ________my old friend on the street yesterday.


Think it over and you'll ________ ________ that you are wrong.


People can ________ ________ ________ during their travels.


I hope to go to the moon ________ ________.


We can know what________ ________ ________around the world on the Internet at any time.


56.I decided____________(buy) a house near the main road.

57.Mary wants____________(visit) her best friend this weekend.

58.We hope____________ (meet) our teacher in the street.

59.The little girl often helps____________(clean) the house.

60.Tom planned____________(fly) to Hong Kong.

61.We will try____________(study) hard.

62.Don't forget________(lock) the door when you leave.

63.You must remember____________(bring) your homework here tomorrow.

64.Would you like____________ (go) out for a walk?

65.(2015•遵义)The news and talk shows may not be very exciting, but we can expect________ (learn) a lot from them.


A:What do you think of Sports World?

B:________(66)But I love Super Interview best.

A:Me, too. I like the host (主持人) Dai Jun.________(67)

B:I like both Li Jing and him.


B:They like Zhou Libo's talk show. They both like the host Zhou Libo.________(69)

A:What else do they like?

B:Oh, my mother likes soap operas, but my father can't stand them.________(70)

A.He loves World News.

B.He is great.

C.I watched TV at home last night.

D.What about your parents?

E.Do you agree?

F.But I don't like him.

G.I don't mind it.

十、原创阅读 (词数:约120;建议用时: 5分钟)

Recently,a new report from the American Heart Association says children are unhealthier today than children 30 years ago. Researchers looked at information about 25,000,000 children in 28 countries, from the past 46 years.Today's boys and girls run a kilometer one minute slower than their parents could. How far a child can run is falling every year.One reason for this is that kids are too fat.They eat too much and do not exercise.

The researchers are worried. Children are fatter,so they will be unhealthier in the future. One doctor said children might have heart disease later in life. He also said children ought to begin quickly and they must try different activities to keep fit.


71.This passage is mainly about how to eat healthily.

72.Researchers looked at in formation about 25 million children from 28 countries.

73.Children now run more slowly than children thirty years ago.

74.Today's children will be unhealthy because they are too fat.

75.Children must do different exercises to keep healthy.


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