冀教版初二英语Lesson14家庭作业:Happy memories



大多数职业从业者如想进一步发展和提高水平,职称考试等都离不开英语的学习。威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了这篇冀教版初二英语Lesson14家庭作业

冀教版初二英语Lesson14家庭作业:Happy memories

第三课时(Section B 1a-1e)


1.She will be an a like Liu Yang when she grows up.

2.R can take us to the moon.

3.China will build a s station in about 20 years.

4.I like to live in an a with my grandfather near the park.

5.The r______ can do many things.


1.Today I have more free time because I have fewer things (do).

2.Where you (work)10 years from now?

3.I (take) the bus to school when I was young.

4.It seems (possible)for us to work 24 hours eve ry day,but it is possible for robots.

5.He lives in a tall building (cross)from the bank.

三.单项选 择

( ) 1. --- ____ your friend _____ the guitar at the conc ert?--- Yes, he will.

A. Will; plays B. Shall; play

C. Will; play D. Do; play

( ) 2. If he ______ go to college, he will have to work.

A. to B. does C. doesn’t D. isn’t

( ) 3. There are many tall trees on _______ side of the street.

A. both B. all C. either D. neither

( ) 4. --- Why not ________ for help when you were in trouble?--- Next time, I will.

A. you ask B. ask C. asking D. to ask

( ) 5. Uncle Wang sits ________ the bus. He is the driver.

A. in front B. in the front

C. in front of D. in the front of


A.That’s true.

B.I want to be an astronaut.

C.Well,that’s also a good job.

D.I hope so.

E.I like reading and writing.

F.Because they think being an astronaut is dangerous.

A:What are y ou going to be in the future?

B: 1 .

A:That sounds interesting.Maybe you will fly to the moon.

B:2 But my parents don’t agree with me.


B:3 .

A:They are right.

B:And if I am an astronaut,I will be away from them for a long time.

A:4 So what do they want you to be?

B:A doctor.

A:5 .



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