冀教版初二英语Lesson13家庭作业:I love autumn



在中国,英语也是一门主要的课程,与语文数学并列,是求学者永远离不开必学的一门课程。威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了这篇初二英语Lesson13家庭作业

冀教版初二英语Lesson13家庭作业:I love autumn


Building planet sky on computer peace future be

1.The dove is the symbol of .

2.I like to see the bird flying in the blue .

3.They will build more and more tall in our city.

4.Kids won’t go to school and they can have classes at home in .

5.There are many kinds of in the sky.


1. and more students like sports.

2.She doesn’t like to tal k with others,so she

has friends than me.

3.Tom is ill and he eats food,so he gets quite weak.

4.The we get together,the happier we’ll be.

5. Because of the pollution,the fish in the sea are getting and .


1.How will th e future b e?(改写同义句)

Will the future be .

2.I’ll play tennis with Lucy.(改为一般疑问句)

play tennis with Lucy?

3.I think there will be more trees.(改为 否定句)

I there be more trees.

4.He moved to Beijing last month.(用next month改写句子)

He to Beijing next month.

5.There will be fewer cars because people will use the buses and subways more. (对划线部分提问)

There fewer cars?


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