冀教版初二英语Lesson15家庭作业:A present for Li Ming
A:How do you __________a banana milk shake?
B:OK, Let me tell you.
1.First, __________ the bananas.
2.Next __________ the bananas.
3.Next __________ the bananas and __________ into the blender.
4.Next__________ the milk into the blender.
5.Then __________ the blender.
6.At last __________
turn,cut, peel, mix, drink, roll, eat, pou r, have, boil, add, take , put, take
1. How long does it __________ to get to school?
2. I can’t come. I ____________ a really busy day .
3. Th e Greens like to _____ sandwiches with lettuce.
4. Let’s ______________ some banana smoothie .
5. _________ some more salt to the popcorn, please.
6. You have to ________ the bana na before eatin g it.
7. Can you help me __________ up these tomatoes?
8. Don’t ______________ waste water into the river.
9. Next you need to _____________ all these things into the blender.
10. Finally, _____________ on the blender and you’ll get some fruit salad.
( ) 1. Finally, _____ all the ingredients in the blend er.
A. mix up B. mixture C. bring
( ) 2. How much ____ do you want?
A. money B. shoes C. moneys
( ) 3. How many ____ are there on the tabl e?
A. water B. cup of water C. bottles of water
( ) 4. I usually have some bread and some ____ po rk for breakfast.
A. slices of B. slice of C. slices
( ) 5. We ___ peanut before we eat them.
A. eat B. hit C. peel
( ) 6. He often ____ the TV and watches the news when he comes home.
A. opens B. turn s on C. turns off
威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的初二英语Lesson15家庭作业,大家一定要仔细阅读哦,祝大家学习进步。
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