仁爱版初二英语上册Unit3家庭作业:Our hobbies



学好了英语,出门就不怕沟通不方便了。威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了这篇Unit3家庭作业,帮助大家学好英语。接下来大家一起来练习。

仁爱版初二英语上册Unit3家庭作业:Our hobbies

单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)


( )31. — Your dress is _______ same as mine. Where did you buy it?

— From the clothes store behind our school.

A. / B. a C. an D. the

( )32. — Is Tom good ________ sports?

— Yes, he is. He is talented _________ music, too.

A. at; with B. for; in C. at; in D. for; with

( )33. — Do you have any sisters?

— Yes, I have three sisters. _______ of them are high school students.

A. Everyone B. All C. Every D. Each

( )34. — Please talk _______, or you will disturb (打扰) other students.

— OK.

A. slowly B. quietly C. clearly D. truly

( )35. The bus was full of people, ________ I had to wait for another one.

A. though B. if C. because D. so

( )36. I told you all that I knew and I had no more ________ about him.

A. information B. grades C. health D. programs

( )37. — What did you think of the show?

— It was ________. We all enjoyed it.

A. boring B. scary C. fantastic D. terrible

( )38. — ________ is the girl in red?

— She is my cousin, Jessica.

A. Who B. Which C. Where D. What

( )39. — Why did your brother go to hospital?

— Because he __________ his arm last weekend.

A. picked B. decided C. made D. broke

( )40. Jeff and Sam are friends. Jeff is ______, but Sam is very lazy.

A. outgoing B. serious C. hard-working D. natural

( )41. — Is Ella popular in your class?

— No, she isn’t. Because she doesn’t ______ others’ problems.

A. bring out B. care about C. feel like D. shout at

( )42. — What’s the weather like today?

— It’s as ______ as yesterday. You can wear shorts.

A. hot B. hotter C. cold D. colder

完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)


I’m Ashley. Kate is my best friend. She is tall and thin 46 long hair. I first met 47 in the school dining hall.

One day, I had lunch in the dining hall. I knocked over (打翻) my soup and 48 myself. Other students laughed at me but Kate didn’t. What did she do? She poured (洒) water on herself. It really 49 me. Then we became good friends.

I like Kate, 50 we’re different in some ways (方面). She is very funny, but I’m a little 51 , so she has more friends than me. She works much 52 than me, so she can always get better grades. We like different 53 . She likes drawing, but I like singing. Both of us like sports. Kate plays tennis very well, and she always 54 . I’m good at badminton.

Kate 55 everything with me and truly cares about me. How lucky I am to have a friend like her!

( )46. A. to B. from C. as D. with

( )47. A. him B. her C. you D. them

( )48. A. seemed B. picked C. wet D. waited

( )49. A. touched B. broke C. disliked D. cared

( )50. A. if B. though C. so D. when

( )51. A. outgoing B. smart C. friendly D. serious

( )52. A. harder B. more clearly C. farther D. more easily

( )53. A. subjects B. competitions C. facts D. activities

( )54. A. grows B. wins C. takes D. worries

( )55. A. leaves B. fights C. shares D. forgets


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