2016初二英语上册Lesson17家庭作业冀教版:Presents from Canada!




2016初二英语上册Lesson17家庭作业冀教版:Presents from Canada!


1. Our teacher asked the students not to do such _________ (毫无意义的) things.

2. The favorite thing for my son is to watch the ________ (卡通片) .

3. The Yellow River is the origin of Chinese _________ (文明)。

4. Tom can’t turn on his computer, but he can’t find the _________ (原因).

5. Lisa was very ________ (不幸运的) today and she lost her pet dog.

Ⅱ. 用所给词的适 当形式填空.

1. Lost in Thailand is an ________ (enjoy) movie, we all like watching it.

2. I’m going to somewhere _______ (relax) as Yunnan.

3. My brother thinks the scary movie are _______ (bore).

4. The sports shows are very _________ (excite).

5. My teacher asked us ______ (swim) in the river, because it’s too dangero

Ⅲ 单项选择

1. –Do you like soap operas?

-- I don’t mind ________.

A. me B. you C. it D. them

2. I’d like _______ history books, while my brother enjoy _______ sports.

A. reading; playing B. to read; playing

C. to read; to play D. reading; to play

3. She _______ the movies.

A. really likes B. really like C. likes really D. likes really

4. It is _______ to do the same things all day.

A. boring B. bored C. interesting D. interested

5. --How about your trip? -- It was not as nice as we ________.

A. missed B. found C. expected D. gave

Ⅳ 按括号内的要求改写句子。

1. I don’t mind cooking. (对画线部分提问)

______ _______ you ______ _______ cooking?

2. The girl is eleven years old. She has curly hair. (合并成一句 话)

The_______ _________ has curly hair.

3. Mike like sitcoms very much. (对画线部分提问)

_ ______ ________ Mike _________ sitcoms?

4. Let’s take a walk after dinner. (改为同义句)

_______ _______ taking a walk after dinner?

5. The hostess showed me her new handbag.(改 为同义句)

The hostess ______ ______ _____ _______ to me.

Ⅴ 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。

1. 我认为谈话节目有教育意义且令人放松。

I think talk shows are _________ and __________.

2. 今天没有什么令人激动的事情。

There is _________ _________ today.

3. 他不介意他的孩子怎么评价他。

He doesn’t _______ what his children ______ ______ him.

1. 她不能忍受每天弹三个小时的钢琴。

She can’t _______ _______ the piano for three hours every day.

4. 所有的学生都同意老师的观点。

All the students ______ _______ their teacher.

Ⅵ 根据首字母提示完成短文。

S ection B ( 1a—1d)

Ⅰ1. meaningless 2. cartoons 3. culture 4. reason 5. unlucky

Ⅱ 1. enjoyable 2. relaxing 3. boring 4. exciting 5. to swim

Ⅲ 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C

Ⅳ 1. What do think of 2. eleven-year-old girl 3. How does like 4. How about 5. showed her new handbag

Ⅴ 1. educational relaxing 2. nothing exciting 3. mind think of

4. stand playing 5. agree with

Ⅵ 1. want 2. playing 3. mind 4. likes 5. watching 6. sitcoms 7. relaxing 8. stand 9. kind 10. favorite


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