


许多国际场合都使用英语做为沟通媒介。威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了这篇HealthAdvice英语家庭作业试题,接下来我们一起来练习。



1. Which lesson is__________ (difficult) in Book 2?

2. Alice writes __________________ (carefully) than I.

3. This story is __________________ (interesting) than that one.

4. He is __________________ (clever) boy in the class.

5. This kind of food must be __________________ (delicious) than that one.

6. Who’s __________________ ,(careful),Tom,Jim or Kate?

7. That is __________________ (easy) of all.

8. That was one of. __________________ (exciting) moments in 2013.


1 .The weather in Beijing is colder than _________

A. of Wuhan B. Wuhan C. that in Wuhan D. that of Wuhan

2. _________ classroom is much smaller than _________ 。

A. Our; their B. Ours; theirs C. Our; theirs D. Ours; their

3. Xiao Li is the _________ of them two.

A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. more tall

4. How time flies! Ten years_ _________ passed.

A. have B. has C. is D. are

5. It’s getting _________ . We should go now.

A. dark and dark B. more and more dark


1. It’s about 20 minutes’ walk to the farthest restaurant. (对画线部分提问)

_________ _________ is it to the farthest restaurant ?

2. What do you think of 970 AM?(同义句)

______ _______ _______ _______970 AM?

3.Which book store id near your school?(改为同义句)

Which book store is ______ ______ your school?

4. Mary dances well. Lily dances much better. (合并为一句)

Lily dances _____ ______ ________ Mary.


1. 你可以在哪里舒服地看书或休息。

You can _______ or ________ _________ there.

2. 许多老人也喜欢散步。

______ _______ old people like to ________ ________, too .

3. 我这个公园是我们静静地享受时光的好地方。

This park is the place where we can _____ our time ______.

4. 我喜欢我的学习,因为他是我们镇上最美丽的学校。

I like my school, _________ it’s the ________ _________school in our town.



2016初二第10课英语家庭作业:Going to the Doctor


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