



一、根据句意及汉语提示补全句中所缺单词。(每小题1分 计10分)

1. My mother isn’t a teacher, your mother isn’t a teacher,  ________.(也)

2. Can you give me a  _______(照片) of your family ?

3. He will be _____ (回来) home soon.

4. My son likes playing the _______(钢琴) very much.

5.Han Mei isn’t in the room , ______(也许)she is on the playground.


6. I want to borrow a book, but the librarian isn’t at the l_______.

7. My teacher knows lots of things. He is K________

8. We all went to the park e_____ Danny yesterday.   because he  was doing his homework.

9. I like art best. Art is my f________ subject.

10. At school we study many s______such as English, Chinese,  maths and so on.


1. She ________(have) four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.

2. I hate _______(eat) meat and eggs.

3. It’s very important ________( read) English in the morning.

4. Has Tom finished _________( read )  the book?

5. The boy _______(name) Li Hai looks like my cousin Wang Lin.

6. September 10th is________(teacher) Day.

7. We are all ________(interest) in playing computer games?

8. It's time ______(go) to bed.

9. The _______ (interest) story made us laugh.

10. It’s fun ______( watch) football match.

11 Miss Zhang often asks me _________(do) homework every  evening

12 Would you like_________(go) and have a drink?

13 Thank you for__________ (teach) me so well.

14 Don’t forget_____________(make) the card beautiful.

15 Listen ,Tom ______________(sing) in the next room


1. I want my mother to buy a pair of new shoes _____ me.

A. for      B. to      C. about       D. with

2. My mother has been a Chinese teacher ______ about twenty years.

A. in       B. to      C. for        D. with

3. He likes playing _____ violin but dislikes playing ______ football.

A. the  the      B. the; /     C. /  the      D. /;/

4. The baby doesn’t cry ______.

A. any         B. more       C. anyone      D. any more

5. This desk is made _____ wood.

A. with         B. in          C. of           D. by

6. Danny is good at ______.

A. swim          B. sing          C. dancing      D. paint

7. I hope _____ buy a book at school.

A. him to         B. he to          C. him        D. he will

8. That's a funny name, ______?

A. is it          B. isn't it         C. does it       D. doesn't it

9 . We all passed the exam, ______Li Dong.

A. and              B. so          C. Except       D. or

10. I don’t know ______.

A where does he live        B. where he live

C.Where he lives          D. where he does live

11. Danny often helps me _____ my English and I help him to learn  Chinese.

A. on        B. about        C. with       D. in

12. Yesterday I was late _____ school.

A. in       B. about       C. for        D. with

13. The teacher said to me “ Can you ______ the class?”

A. have a talk     B. make a talk     C. give a talk    D. take a talk

14. I have __________ to tell you.

A.something important        B.important something

C.anything important         D.important anything

15.My father will take me ___ Beijing next week.

A. to        B. in      C. at      D. away

16.Time for class, we should stop ______.

A.to talk      B.talking    C.talks       D.will talk

17. Please get ready _____ the meeting.

A. in         B. with       C. for       D. to

18. We are tired, let's stop _______ a rest.

A. have       B. to have      C. for having     D. having

19. They will go to Shanghai for a trip ________ next month.

A. sometime      B. some time     C. sometimes     D. some times

20. Don’t make the student _____ so long.

A. A. study       B. to study      C. studies      D. Studying.

四、句型转换。(每小题2分,计 20分)

1.Let’s go to the park tomorrow.(改为同义句)

________   _______  going to the park tomorrow?

2. It is  4:45. (改为同义句)    I

it is ______ _____  _____  five.

3. She usually goes out of bed at six in the morning. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ She usually ______ ______ ______ bed at six in the   morning?

4. This is Lucy and Lily’s classroom. (就划线部分提问)

______ classroom ______this?

5. Wei Ming is good at maths. (改为同义句)

Wei Ming   ____ well _____ maths.

6. She has already seen the film.(改为一般疑问句)

______ she _______ the film_______?

7. I like English best.(改为同义句)

English is _________ ________ subject.

8. It’s 8:00 now. (就划线部分提问)

_____ ____ ____    ______  ?

9. There are some apples on the table.(改为一般疑问句)

_______ _______ _________ apples on the table?

10. To learn English well is very important.(改为同义句)

_______ ________ very important to learn English well


It’ s September now. We are __1__   at school . I am happy to  __2_  all my teachers and friends  again . They all   ___3_   fine.    We are in Grade __4___   this year. We are going to learn a new subject---physics (物理) . I hear  physics isn’t easy . I am going to work __5__  at it . I am not very good ___6____  math , but Wei Fang  says she is going to help me . I think I can do __7___than last year. I like English very much .This year I am going to do __8____   speaking . Zhang Hong likes  English , too . But he needs help . I am going to help ___9____ .  This term I am going to work __10___the wall newspaper .  It is an interesting work and I like it . I’m going to do my best this term .

(    ) 1. A . here         B.back         C.near         D.come

(    ) 2 .A. see          B . look        C.watch         D. find

(    ) 3 A. looks         B. see          C. are          D. look

(    ) 4 A. Seven        B. Eight         C. Nine        D. Ten

(    )5.A. good         B.hard           C. best         D. Fine

(    ) 6.A . at           B. from          C. on          D. for

(    ) 7.A. good        B. better          C. best        D. fine

(    ) 8.A . little        B. a  lots         C. more       D. very

(    ) 9.A. hers         B. his            C. he         D. Him

(    ) 10. A . about     B. with            C. for        D. to

六.阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)                                                 (A)

One day the students were having painting lessons. Everyone began to draw pictures .Li Lei did nothing. When the bell rang for the break , Li Lei passed his picture to the teacher .

The teacher looked at it and got angry “Why do you give me a piece of paper with  nothing on it , Li Lei ?”asked the teacher.   “I’m sorry, sir. I drew a dog and some bread on the paper”says Li Lei .“Where is the  dog and bread ?”asked the teacher again.     I drew some bread first . When I finished drawing the dog , it ate up the bread . When  I  gave it to you , the dog ran away .”says Li Lei..

1 . Li Lei is a _____________.       .

A teacher           B. student        C. worker        D. farmer

2 . The students were busy __________.       .

A. reading   B. writing   C. drawing  D. talking

3 . When the bell rang for break , Li Lei drew __________.       .

A.a nice picture                     B.a dog

C.a dog and some bread               D. nothing

4 . The teacher was very__________ when he saw Li Lei’s picture.

A. happy         B. angry         C. sad          D. sorry

5 . The students would _______when they heared Li Lei’s words.

A .be sad                      B. be happy

C. laugh                       D. be sorry


Peter is thirteen years old . He is in Grade Eight this year.  He likes to play football and  watches football matches . And he often reads newspapers . He does his best to know where  and when a football match will be.

Now Peter is having lunch . He is listening to the  radio , too . He is very happy because there is going to be a nice football match on TV at  four this afternoon.. He wants to watch it very much . But he’s going to have English and  Chinese lessons. He thinks hard and find a way .

“Hello, Mrs. Black,”Prter says to his teacher on the telephone,“ Peter is ill in bed. He wants to ask for half a day’s leave.”“Oh, Im sorry to hear that,” says Mrs. Black. “But who’s that?” “It’s my father, Mrs. Black.”

6.Peter likes to_____________.      .

A.make a call         B. play basketball

C. study English       D. watch football

7.Why dose Peter often read newspapers?

A.Because he wants to know more news.

B.Because he wants to know where and when a football match will be

C.Because he wants to read some interesting stories.

D.His parents ask him to do so.

8.How dose Peter know there will be a nice football match at four o’clock this afternoon?

A. He knows it from the radio.

B. He knows it from the newspaper.

C. He knows it from watching TV.

D. He knows it from somebody.

9.Peter asks for leave(请假) because       .

A. He doesn’t like to study English and Chinese

B.He is ill

C. He has to help his father with some important work.

D.He wants to watch a football match.

10.Mrs. Black doesn’t know Peter tells a lie(撒谎),dose she?

A.Yes,she doesn’t            B.No,she dose

C.No,she dosen’t             D.Yes,she dose.

七 根据汉语意思完成句子    (10分)

1  他总喜欢交朋结友

He  likes ________  _______.


We _______many _________on the Gerat Wall.


He ________ more time ______ computer games.


My father often ___________ me ______ sing aloud.


_________    _________ at the school gate.

七 、写作。(15分)  以My English Teacher或My favourite subject写一篇英语短文(80个单词左右)


参考答案:  三、单项选择: ACBDC  CDBCC  CCCAA  BCBAA 五.完形填空: BADBC  ABCDC 六.阅读理解: BCDBC  DBADD






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