



1.采;摘________    2.农民 ___________   3.农场__________

4.极好的 ________   5.昂贵的__________   6.博物馆______

7.令人兴奋的_______          8.骑马_____________ __

9.喂鸡 ______________        10对…感兴趣 ___________

11.grow apples__

_______       12.milk a cow_____________


13.在乡下___________         14.总的来说 ____________

15.去散步____________        16. 照相_____________

17.去钓鱼____________        18.去年______________

19.带某人到处走走__________  20.给某人买东西__________


1.play _______ 2. visit _______  3.climb ______ 4. study ______

5.worry _______6.stop __

______ 7. talk ________ 8.ask ________








(  )1. .--- you  ___ your homework yesterday ?


-- Yes, I did .


A. Do, did   B. Do, do    C. Did, do    D. Did, did

(  )2.I went to the beach and  there .

A. buy a gift            B. took some photos

C. try some seafood      D. see some seals

(  ) 3.When ____ you _____ the bike?

A. did ;buy      B. do ;buy    C. are ;buying   D. will ;buy

(  )4.--  your weekend ,Eric ?   --- It was very good.

A. How was    B. How did    C. How were   D. What is

(  )5. We  the scienc

e museum so fast by train yesterday.


A. go to  B. went    C. went to     D. go

(  )6. The farmer  Carol around the farm last week.

A. played      B. looked     C. worried     D. showed

(  )7 I stayed at home all day yesterday.  It was really ______.

A. interesting    B. exciting   C. boring     D. fun

(  )8. you at home yesterday evening ?

A. Did      B. Were       C. Was        D. Do

(  )9. your parent  at home yesterday  evening ?

A. Did      B. Were       C. Was        D. Do

(  )10.—My mother was ill in bed yesterday .


A.  Why ?         B.  Is she better now?

C. Su

re           D.  I’m sorry to hear that


(  )11.The children are having  fun  on the hill .

A. playing    B. to play     C. play      D. played

(  )12.-- - Did you go to Hong Kong ?

---- Yes, I  there last month 



A. went to    B. have been    C. went     D. go

(  )13..The movie is ______,and all of us are______ in it.

A. interesting; interested      B. interested; interesting

C. interesting; interest

ing     D. interesting ;interesting


(  )14.---Did she ride a horse?   ---______ .She went fishing.

A. Yes, she does.         B. No, she doesn’t.

C. Yes, she did.          D. No, she didn’t.

(  )15. Lucy and her friends took some photos in the park ______.

A. last Sunday    B. now    C. next week   D.  tomorrow

(  )16.--- Guess what ? The great movie is on in the cinema.

---- Nothing new. I  it with my friends on the first day .

A. saw        B. see      C. am seeing     D. to see

(  )17.Mike  a famous singer this morning,

but he didn’t  his autograph.

A. meets, gets  B. met, got   C. met, get   D. meets, get

(  )

18.----When do farmers _____ strawberries?


---From December to June.

A. cook    B .eat    C. grow  D.feed

(  )19.—Was there a nice picture on the wall ?

----  .

A. No, there  isn’t         B. No, there  wasn’t

C. No, there  weren’t       D.N o, there  aren’t

 )20.Jim didn’t like the trip  .


A.  at all    B. too    C.  also      D. so


1. My school trip was exciting.  (就划线部分提问)

_______  _______  your school trip?

2. I saw some cows on the farm.(改为一般疑问句)

_______ you ______ _______ on the farm?

3. Tina got a gift last Sunday.(改成否定句)

Tina ______ ______ a gift last Sunday.

4.John visited his grandparents last weekend.(划线提问)

______  ______ John ______ last weekend?

5. I was very busy last year.(改为一般疑问句)

_______ ________ very busy last year?

6.Tom did his homework yesterday.(改成否定句)

Tom _____ ______ ______ homework yesterday.



Carol _____ so

me _______ and ______ them home.



I _______ my ________ in the ______.


I didn’t _____ they ______ _____ chess with us.


I  am  _______ _______ robots.


After that, I went to the ______ shop and ______ some ________gifts_______ my parents.


Love, sometimes we can’t see it!

This is an old story. One day, a man was not ha

ppy when his 7-year-old daughter made a box with some paper. The family didn’t have much money. So the father thought his daughter wasted(浪费)the paper. The next day, the little girl gave the box to her father and said,“Dad, today is your birthday. This box is for you.”


The man was happy. But he was not happy again when he found there

 was nothing in the box. “Why didn’t you put anything for me in the box?” He asked his daughter. The little girl looked at him and cried, “Dad, I put my love in the box. It’s all for you!”


The man felt sad and said sorry to his daughter. Sometimes, we can’t see love with our eyes.

(   )1. How old was the daughter?

A. Six years old.  B. Seven years old. C. Eight years old.

(   )2. What did the daughter do the next day?

A. She gave the box to her father.

B. She put some money in the box.

C. She gave some paper to her father.

(   ) 3. Why was the father was not happy again when he opened the box?

A. Because he didn’t like the box.

B. Because there was nothing in the box.

C. Because he thought his daughter wasted paper.

(   ) 4. How did the father feel at last?

A. Happy.B. Sorry.C. Bored.

(   ) 5. Which of the following is true?

A. The family had lots of money.

B. The daughter loved her father.

C. The father didn’t like his daughter.






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