



1. One of the boys__________( do) his homework when I came into the classroom.

2.If it__________(be) sunny tomorrow, I will walk to school .

3.She was singing in the room while her brother __________(watch) TV.

4.We should encourage farmers__________ (leave) the giant pandas more reserves.

5. If you don’t study hard, you ______ (not pass) the exam.

6 .Bad weather can cause ______ (nature) disasters.

7. Birds can find food ___________(容易地)in Zhalong .

8. Many people don't understand the___________(重要性) of the wetland.


make, grow into, encourage us to help, be in danger, be good at,

for the first time, at the beginning, catch the school bus, take away,

1. At the age of 18, he ______ a healthy young man.

2. Tom asked his mother ______ the cake bigger, because he was very hungry.

3. I went to the city ______, so I know nothing about the city.

4. When you ______, please ask the policeman for help.

5. Our English teacher always ______ others.

6. If he gets up early, he ______.

7. It was a great day but we did not enjoy it ______.

8. I don’t think you singing. Please don’t sing any more.

9. Please ______the dirty socks. They smell bad.


1. Go to North Africa, and you will see a lot of camels. (同义句)

If you go to North Africa, ________ see a lot of camels.

2. Their number is getting smaller and smaller because their living areas are becoming smaller and smaller. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ their number getting smaller and smaller?

3. She has to stay in hospital for a month. ( 对画线部分提问)

_________ __________ does she have to stay in hospital?

4 We can travel by underground to the Place Museum. (就划线部分提问)

_________ __________ you travel to the Place Museum?

5.He often flies to New York. (改为同意句)

He often go to New York .






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