


初中是我们人生的第一次转折,面对初中,各位学生一定要放松心情。威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了2016年八年级上册英语寒假作业答案,希望给各位学生带来帮助。


一、1---5 CACAB

二1. try tolearn English well 2. Why don’t we writeit down? 3.It’s a good idea to

4.advised me to eat 5. ask the teacher for (some) 6. made many mistakes

7. don’t need to understand 8. agree with me

9. He practises reading English 10.help him as much as possible.

三、1. He was ina strange city. 2. He decided to lose his way on the second day.

3.Hewanted to have lunch in the hotel. 4. Heasked a newspaper seller.

5. He probably went back to the hotel bytrain.


一、1.look up 2.make a mistake/mistakes 3.write down 4.ask for 5. agree with sb.

6. advise sb.to do sth. 7.as much as possible 8. forget to do sth.

二、1-5 BACBB

三、1—5 CBADB


一、1.million 2. getting 3. especially 4. countryside 5. lower

二、1. in thesouth of 2. has a population of 3. is famous for 4. remember to bring

5. never very hot in summer or very cold inwinter



一、1carefully 2 classmates 3 farthest 4 book 5 However

二、1—5 CABCA

三、1. Thewriter and her family did three activities

2. The writer and her kids stayed a lot of time at the beach .

3. Going to the beach was the writer’s favourtie thing to do in summer.

4. They got to Florida by plane.

5. Because her daughter had a soccer game there.


一、1—5 CABCA

二、1 livesthe farthest from 2 All the time 3 The more , the better

4 much more carefully 5 to warm up

三、1. Thewriter and her family did three activities

2. The writer and her kids stayed a lot of time at the beach .

3. Going to the beach was the writer’s favourtie thing to do in summer.

4. They got to Florida by plane.

5. Because her daughter had a soccer game there.



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