一 翻译词组
1 tell sb sth 2 as slim as … 3 share sth with sb 4 be willing to do 5 in need
6 travel around the world 7 make him look smart 8 a good sense of humour
9 think of 10 a true friend 11 straight hair 12 the future plan
13 outdoor activities 14 a social worker 15 wear a smile on one’s face
16 be ready to do sth 17 prepare to do sth 18 give seats to the old/elderly
19 grow up 20 say a bad word about others 21 older than I /me
22 be more important than that book 23 the tallest man in history
24 not as interesting as theirs 25 be as dangerous as … 26 listen to People’s problems
27 try one’s best to help you 28 on the left 29 earlier than we 30 a drawing competition
二 用所给次的适当形式填空
1 climbing 2 speaking 3 laugh 4 thought 5 to solve
6 to give 7 to eat 8 comes 9 will leave 10 rains
四 阅读理解DCCCD
五1. as slim as 2. poor eyesight; wears
以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的2016年八年级上册寒假作业答案:英语,怎么样,大家还满意吗?希望对大家的学习有所帮助,同时也祝大家学习进步,考试顺利!
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