




School bus is a special kind of bus used to pick up students. it’s becoming more and more pupular in China now. it helps students spend less time going to school.

However, so many traffic accidents happen to school buses every year. On April 6th, 2010, 10 students were killed and 28 injured in a school bus accident in Shantou, Guangdong Province. On November 16th, 2011, an accidents caused 21surdents to die and injured 43 in Qingyang, Gansu Province. On December 24,2012, a school bus accident killed 11children in Guixi,Jiangxi Province.

All these accidents made us worry about childen’s safety. The governments are trying to solve the problem. Many people gave their suggestions. For example, Bai Yansong, a famous compere of CCTV, sad that some buses mustn’t be used to pick up students until they were qualified(合格). School buses should be yellow, because yellow bus is easy for people to see clearly in early morning or late afternoon. We hope that less accidents happen to our school buses.


91. What is a school bus?

92. How many chieren died in Qingyang, Gansu Province accident?

93. Why should school bus be yellow?

94. Who is Bai Yangsong?

95. What’s the main idea of the third paragraph?

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