



My little brother Jimmy is four and a half years old. He falls in love with cartoons these days. When he is watching his favorite cartoon shows, it becomes really difficult to move him from h is seat. After watching his favorite shows like One Piece, Boonie Bears, Armor Hero and Pleasant Goat and so on, he tells the characters and stories to me. He even asks me to watch them with him. When watching cartoons, he doesn’t cry or ask for anything, because he puts all his  heart into them. Why do kids love cartoons so much? Let us find out.

First, most of the cartoon shows become quite popular, because they hel p children to learn many things. They can bring funny and  interesting things to kids. Second, the color, the sound, the voice and the story of their favorite characters can attract(吸引) the children’s interest. The sound effects(音效) of the cartoon is very important. Kids can always rememb er all the songs of their favorite cartoon shows. Third, cartoons create a world for kids. These have nothing to do with the problems of real life. Children love the super powers(超能力) the cartoon characters have. Also, the main cartoon character can always have a way to solve all problems and the good people can beat the bad ones. Most of the stories always have a happy ending.

So just enjoy your favorite cartoon shows.

(   ) 62. Jimmy doesn’t cry or ask for anything when watching cartoons, because _____________.

A. he is a quiet boy

B. his parents ask him to keep quiet

C. he puts all his heart into them

D. he wants to be polite

(   ) 63. According to(根据) the passage, kids can always remember _____________.

A. the bad people in the cartoons      B. the good people in the cartoons

C. the happy ending of the story       D. all the songs of their favorite cartoon shows

(   ) 64. In this passage, we can find _____________  reasons why children love cartoons.

A. two          B. four            C. five           D. six

(   ) 65. From the passage, we know _____________.

A. Jimmy is a five-year-old boy

B. Jimmy likes watching cartoon shows very much

C. The writer is Jimmy’s father

D. Cartoon shows can’t help children to learn anything


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