


2. for 改为 since 或者去掉 ago

3. hasn ’t 改为 haven ’ t

4. bought 改为 had

5. gone 改为 been

IV . 1. Britain 2. months 3. best 4. historical

5. wars 6. ordered 7. mainly 8. and

9. as well 10. keep

第 9 版

I. 1-5 BBCCD

6-10 ABBAD

II. 1. July 10 2. a tennis player 3. winner

4. 1993 5. concerts

III. (A) 1-5 DFEAB (B) 1-5 AEGBD

IV . One possible version:

My name is Wu Yifan. I am a middle school student. I like reading books and travelling around the world. I want to be a reporter when I grow up. I am going to work hard at Chinese and English. And I am going to read more books. I am also going to write articles and send them to newspapers and magazines. If I am free, I will go somewhere interesting.


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