1 SB Pages 34-35, Part 4, Speech Cassette Lesson 92. Books closed! Ask What does Li Fen borrow from Mr Green? (two books). Have the students listen. Check the answer. With books open, have students listen and repeat. In pairs, have the students read and practise the dialogue. As they are practising, walk around the room and choose a pair whose pronunciation and intonation is good to read the dialogue for the class. Also, give help when needed as you are wandering around the room.
2 Have the students, still in pairs, write their own dialogue about trying to find a time to meet with each other to do something. For example, maybe they want to play football or ping - pong together, or maybe they want to study together. Let the students decide what they want to do. The students can use this dialogue as a model.
3 Do Ex. 9 of Wb Lesson 92.
Step 8 Complete and read
SB Page 35, Part 5*. Make this into a contest. See which student can finish the quickest. Then give the rest of the students a couple more minutes to finish. As they are finishing, the student who finished first, can write the answers on the board.
Step 9 Checkpoint 23
Go through Checkpoint 23 and encourage the students to ask questions about the Present Continuous Tense. Give examples of the Negative and Interrogative forms as well. See the grammar notes of the SB on the Present Continuous Tense. If the students are still having trouble with this tense, perhaps you can draw the following diagram on the board:
Explain in Chinese, that the Present Continuous Tense describes an action that started in the past, is happening as the speaker is talking, and will probably continue, at least for a time, into the future.
Step 10 Workbook
SB Pages 110-112, Wb Lesson 92, Exx. 2, 3, and 5-7 should be done in class with your help.
Exx. 10 and 11 are optional.
Listening Text
David: For breakfast I have two pieces of bread, a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee. I dont have a big lunch. I often take a sandwich, a banana or an apple with me to school. For drink, I like coke or water. For supper, I eat a lot at home. I have meat, vegetables, potatoes, ice-cream or chocolate. Sometimes I have a piece of cake.
Ling Feng : I have milk, bread and an egg for breakfast. For lunch I eat rice, vegetables and some meat at school. For supper I have rice or noodles, vegetables and meat. Sometimes I have soup, too.
Finish off the Workbook exercises.
Do Exx . 3 and 8 in the exercise book.
Some ideas for extra practice or enrichment
1 Choose the name of a famous person such as Michael Jordan or Chen Lu , the famous Chinese ice-skater, or Wang Zhizhi and write one of their names on the Bb. Tell the students that they are going to write as many English words as they can see in the name. (See example below.) Give the students 5 minutes. Then check the answers. Make sure the words are spelled correctly.
Michael Jordan
1 me
2 and
3 jail
4 or
5 hair, etc .
2 Play Hangman. In this game, you think of a word and put a dash for each of the letters of the word. Then the students try to guess the letters. As the letters are guessed, fill in the space with the correct letter. If the students guess incorrectly, then draw a part of the body on the scaffold such as a head, arms, etc . (See below.)
word: colour (dont show this to the class)
Note, in the above drawing, a head, body and leg are drawn because the letters a, v, and p were guessed, but these letters are not in the word colour. If the whole body is drawn before the students guess the word, then they lose. Usually only the head, arms, body, legs, eyes, nose and mouth are drawn, but you can add other parts such as hands and feet if you wish. Once the students know how to play the game, they can play this game in small groups or pairs.
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