Activity: Reading
Purpose: To get more informatiol about the novel
a.How did the revolutionaries cause charles Darney back to France?
b.Why was Dr Manette allowed to visit Charles in prison?
c.For what was charles sentenled to death eagerly?
d.How did sydney carton save charles?
Step5: Activity: replace the end of the story
Purpose: To encourage them to devolop their own thinking.
1.What would happen when sydney was recognied not to be charles.
2.Was Charles rearrested or did he return to Londen?
3.How might the story end?
HW: Read more about the works of Dickens
Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》
David copperfield《大卫·科波菲尔》
2018威廉希尔决赛赔率 > 初二 > 英语 > 初二英语辅导
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