编者按:威廉希尔app 小编为大家收集发布了初二英语辅导:范文:教英语(TeachingEnglish),供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助。
教英语(Teaching English)
Twice a week in the afternoons I teach English classes at the Telephone and Telegraph Company's Institute in pan-Ciao. I teach telephone operators and office workers of the phone company for three hours each session. Usually we cover the textbook unit in the first two hours, and then the last hour is for free conversation. In the beginning of the term the students are very shy about talking, but after two weeks they are asking all kinds of questions. During the last hour I sometimes review the students' English vocabulary by playing games such as crosswords, opposite and similar words, or singing songs in English or Chinese. To learn a foreign language can be fun.
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