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美国游学英语日记:My summer vacation




During this summer vacation,I felt very relaxed.This summer vacation was gorgeous for my physical and mental well—being.


This summer vacation, I went to summmer camp. I went to U.S.A again!

First day, We spent 12 huors in areoplane.It’s very dry and cold. Some students played ipad all the time. It,s harmful to them.

12 hours later, we arrived Los Angeles. Los Angeles’ airport looked worse than Chinese airport, maybe China isadeveloping country.

Second day, our host family got me and other twostudents from teachers.

On the way home, we talked about this summer camp. We all thought this summer camp can enrich our knowledge and experiense.

In the hose family’s home, we put our baggage in our room. There are three students in our room. There are three students in the house : Justin Liu, Peter Qin and me, Rick Yan. Soon, webecame friends.

There are 2 people in the host family: Linda and Gary. Linda is 52 years old; and Gary is 48 years old.

It’s time to dinner, Gary cooked beef for us. It’s very delicious!

Next day, we went to a school to study American culture.

First class, we learn the geography of America. America has 50 states. California is a part of U.S.A.

In the afternoon, we had a little experiment. Make ice-cream!

First, we need some cream milke ,milk, salt, ice and vanilla oil.

Then, put cream and milk in a big bag.Both 4 cups.

Third, put half of vanilla oil in the bag.

Fourth, put half bucket of ice in the bowl. Then put some salt in the bowl.

Fifth, put the bag in the bowl. Finally, mix them for 15 minutes.

After this, we got a delicious ice-cream!

Five day later, we went to San Francisco which is colder than Los Angeles.

We visited Standford University.It was very beautiful.

Standford University is a famous university in the world.

Standford University is a good at law.Every year, tens of thousands of students register for examination. But onlya few people can study in the Standford University.

Standford University has a number of statures, some about Christian. And some about the master of the Standford University.

The most exciting thing was to play the Universal Studios. We saw the Kingkong, simpson and Mummy. It was very funny and exciting.

On Augest 3rd. We went to east coast by airplane.

Washington D.C, so many foreigner. Chinese is the bissest part of the foreigner. Now, Chinese play an increasingly important part in the world. This sight keep me in high spirits.

But, there was a bad thing, that“Falungong”is very popular in other country, like U.S.A. It’s a commom sight that “Falungong” will give you some leaflet, in the forein country. We all hate it. It be detrimental to us and our country.

My favoriate presendent in America is Lincoln-Abraham. He is very goodness. He abolish the slavery. And he unite the north and sounth. And many movie has Lincoln, like “Transformous”. In America, it is widely believed that Lincoln is the best prsedent.

In the afternoon, we visited University of Pennsylvania which is a famous university in the world and is good at commercial science. So it has a famous colledg of commercial science:Warton.

Then, we saw Lincoln Mernorial, it is display America talent and abilities.

Next day, we went to Philadelphia. Philadelphia was the second capital of U.S.A. So like Washdon D.C. ?Philadelphia has many places of interest.

First one is liberty Bell, it is the symbol of Philaddelphia. But the bell has a smal crack, so America made a museum for the liberty Bell.

One more exciting thing is visiting the White House! But that day we were unluckly.Because Present Obama was init. So we had to take photos far away from the White House. And on thetop of White House, there were a sniper.

The Last university we visited was Princeton University. Princeton University is NO.1 university in America. It’s good at science.

Oh, It’s time to go back. During this summer camp. I felt very happy and relaxed. By this journey. I can adapt to study abroad better. And in the process of journeying, my English was better. And this journey can expand my outlook. This trip can lay a solid foundation for study abroad.

This is my summer camp!








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