Actually I don’t want to write this stuff but someone promise me a new phone so I’m going for it.BTW I don't think I can get to 1000 words. So 500 words. Deal? Deal. Yeah!
The first day was on the plane .It was very boring. We arrived in America.
Thanks to the help of the Jet lag we all fell asleep on the bus. When I woke up it was noon. I didn’t remember the days because I was very tired. Visiting is a boring and tired. Stanford University is really cool. There is a story about it.
Two parents’ son is dead, they want to build a building for him in Harvard University but the ?principle refused to do it. Then they build a school themselves and that’s it Stanford University.
Things changed after I went to Lisa’s home. They are Spaniard and they are all ?very friendly to me. She has 4 children. Laruen is the biggest one. Daniel is younger than Laruen, than Chuchu than Maddie. Chuchu and Maddie are very lovely. At the first day we woke up at 6:45 and get to school at 8:30,but we are not supposed to get here until 9.We met Mrs.Morner she is a really friendly and kind women. I sneezed after I came into the classroom and she said Bless you. Tiffany is kind of like a India girl.
She talked to us and become our friend later. Classes are interesting. The first class is about America history and politics it was taught by Mrs.Morner. Then is Mrs.Ward’s Olympics class. The last one is the easiest math class taught by ?Mr.Murry he also taught art. Dancing class is taught by his sisters. They are really cool at least to me because they can dance quite well. We had class with students comes from Shanghai. They are not very good. Tuesday we went to the science museum I can’t understand the interpretation cause it’s so difficult to me. After that we went to the Shoppes. We looked around with Tiffany. Then we go home happily. I had 12 days at school and I really enjoy it. And I had a good time with Lisa and her family.
We leave L.A. and go to Boston. Mrs.Ward is from Boston. She loves that city cause it’s her hometown.I like that city too. I visited Universities there and had a good time. New York is a really big city is easy to get lost in it. On the way to New York the tour guide played some songs. It was awsome. New York is a morden city it really suits me. I like it Philly is kind of old to me. Although it was the capital city of Amercia but it is too old. Washington D.C. is really amazing.
It was build for a captain city. All the style or whatever is really awsome! And it’s full of history.
I came back home and feeling very tired and thanks to the Jet lag again I have been dizzy and sleepy for 3 days. About that trip I think it help me know more about the United States of America and I began to love this country and entered into the country that accept us all.
I have learned about how zeal and helpful America is and good calibre is much more better than people here in China. I knew that the atmosphere here is really positive and aspirant. I like it. Maybe I can go to Yale University because I really like it. All in all this trip to America is really challenging because I become more and more independent and mature.
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