澳大利亚新南威尔士私立高中排名(HSC Independent)
1 Moriah College,Bondi Junction,NSW,2022
2 Ascham School,Edgecliff,NSW,2027
3 Kambala,Rose Bay,NSW,2029
4 Pymble Ladies‘ College,Pymble,NSW,2073
5 Sydney Grammar School,Darlinghurst,NSW,2010
6 Malek Fahd Islamic School,Greenacre,NSW,2190
7 Knox Grammar School,Wahroonga,NSW,2076
8 Abbotsleigh,Wahroonga,NSW,2076
9 Wenona School,North Sydney,NSW,2060
10 Masada College High School,St Ives,NSW,2075
11 Meriden School,Strathfield,NSW,2135
12 Sydney Church of England Grammar School,North Sydney,NSW,2060
13 Presbyterian Ladies’ College, Sydney,Croydon,NSW,2132
14 St Catherine‘s School,Waverley,NSW,2024
15 Reddam House,North Bondi,NSW,2026
16 Emanuel School,Randwick,NSW,2031
17 Queenwood School for Girls,Mosman,NSW,2088
18 Ravenswood School for Girls,Gordon,NSW,2072
19 Arden Anglican School,Beecroft,NSW,2119
20 MLC School,Burwood,NSW,2134
21 Hunter Valley Grammar School,Ashtonfield,NSW,2323
22 Kesser Torah College,Dover Heights,NSW,2030
23 Cranbrook School,Bellevue Hill,NSW,2023
24 Newington College,Stanmore,NSW,2048
25 Barker College,Hornsby,NSW,2077
26 The Scots College,Bellevue Hill,NSW,2023
27 Redfield College,Dural,NSW,2158
28 Pittwater House Grammar School,Collaroy,NSW,2097
29 Frensham School,Mittagong,NSW,2575
30 The McDonald College,North Strathfield,NSW,2137
31 The King’s School,North Parramatta,NSW,2151
32 International Grammar School,Ultimo,NSW,2007
33 Trinity Grammar School,Summer Hill,NSW,2130
34 Pittwater House Girls College,Collaroy,NSW,2097
35 St Patrick‘s College,Campbelltown,NSW,2560
36 The Hills Grammar School,Kenthurst,NSW,2156
37 Tara Anglican School for Girls,North Parramatta,NSW,2151
38 St Andrew’s Cathedral School,Sydney,NSW,2000
39 Roseville College,Roseville,NSW,2069
40 Newcastle Grammar School,Newcastle,NSW,2300
41 St Luke‘s Grammar School,Dee Why,NSW,2099
42 Emmanuel Anglican College,West Ballina,NSW,2478
43 St Charbel’s College,Punchbowl,NSW,2196
44 Kinross Wolaroi School,Orange,NSW,2800
45 The Armidale School,Armidale,NSW,2350
46 Waverley College,Waverley,NSW,2024
47 Canberra Grammar School,Red Hill,ACT,2603
48 St Mary‘s Cathedral College,Sydney,NSW,2000
49 St Philip’s Christian College,Waratah,NSW,2298
50 Bishop Druitt College,Coffs Harbour,NSW,2450
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