
2013-04-08 17:08:54 字体放大:  

Passage Five

What can you do to recall your dreams more often and interpret them more clearly? The experts offer these suggestions:

Develop an idea. Before you go to sleep, consciously think about a topic or a person you’d like to dream about. Raise a question that’s troubling you and see how your dream responds to it.

Keep track. Next to your bed, place a pen and some paper, or a tape recorder or a laptop(笔记本电脑) , to record your dreams as soon as you wake up.

Try to wake up naturally, without the help of an alarm clock or barking dog that can interrupt your dream cycle. If your schedule doesn’t allow you to sleep in during the week, begin your dream journey on a weekend or during a vocation.

Wake up slowly. For the first moment after you wake up, lie still and keep your eyes closed, because your dream may be connected to your body position while you slept. Try to recall the dream and then store it in your memory by giving it a name like “Late for an Exam” or “My Dare with Ashley Judd” when you rise, immediately wrote down as many images, feeling and impressions as you can.

Connect the dots. To better interpret your dreams, try to make connection between your recalled dreams and recent events. Do you recognize people from the present or past? Can you detect any themes from the dream? Look for partners over several dreams that might help explain an individual dream.

Change the outcome. If you have nightmares happening again and again that make it different to sleep, try to change the endings. Once you wake up from a bad dream, imagine a change in the action to create more positive outcome. If you are trapped, try to fly. In your dream, you can do what you want!

52. The passage advices you to” wake up slowly” ______.

A because dreaming usually happens not long before you wake up

B because sleeping posture may be related to your dream

C so as not to connect your dreams

D so as not to have a nightmare

53. The underlined word “rise”(Paragraph 6) means”_____”.

A come up

B stand up

C wake up

D get up

54. According to the passage, how can you overcome a nightmare?

A Try to imagine you are a superman.

B Try to create a new ending of the nightmare.

C Try to think about some happy things.

D Try to forget the nightmare.

55. In which column of a magazine or newspaper may the article appear?

A Finance

B Sports

C Health

D Politics

V Daily Conversation (15 points)

Directions: Pick out five appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogue by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

A I’m free now                            B make sure

C I’m afraid I can’t make it                  D give me your number

E who’s calling                            F It’s very kind of you

G You’re welcome                         H take care

Secretary: Good morning. Dr. Smith’s office.

Wang: Good morning. May I speak to Dr. Smith, please?

Secretary: He’s at a meeting just now. May I ask __56__ please?

Wang: This is Wang Xiaohong. I’m an exchange scholar from China. I’ve just arrived in the U.S., and I’d like to discuss my research plans with Dr. Smith. I had an appointment with him at 2 p.m. this afternoon, but__57__. I’d like to reschedule it.

Secretary: Why don’t you __58__ and I’ll have him get back to you as soon as possible.

Wang: Sure. It’s 965-4778.

Secretary: OK. I’ll __59__ he gets the message.

Wang: Thank you.

Secretary: __60__. Goodbye.

Wang: Goodbye.

VI Writings (254 points)

Directions: For this part, you are supposed to write a notice in English in 100~120 words based on the following situation. Remember to write it clearly.

61. 下个月将有来自60个国家的2000多名青少年来本市参加“Robocup 2007”(2007世界机器人足球赛)。校学生会计划成立一个120人的志愿者(volunteer)团队。请你写一篇征求志愿者的通知。内容包括:





1~5      DBACA

6~10     DCCBB

11~15    ACABC

16~20    ACADC

21~25    CBBDA

26~30    ADADC

31~35    BBADC

36~40    CACBB

41~45    DCCAA

46~50    ACADB

51~55    BBDBC

56~60    ECDBG

61 略

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